Integrating with the Microsoft Identity Platform
We have taken advantage of many features the Blazor authentication library provides. We have implemented all those features step by step and from scratch. Microsoft has some of the best identity solutions on the market, though: Azure AD and AD B2C. What’s great about it is that Microsoft also provides a library for all possible clients (JavaScript frameworks, Xamarin, .NET MAUI, native Windows frameworks, and, of course, Blazor). The client library Microsoft provides is called the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL). When it comes to Blazor WebAssembly, MSAL is built on top of the Blazor authentication library and already provides much of what we have done out of the box. What’s even better is that .NET provides a couple of project templates that allow you to create the Blazor app with authentication and MSAL set up for you, so you just build components and the business logic because everything else is ready.