Chapter 12: Apex REST and Custom Web Services
With this chapter, we are going to finish this section of the book by discussing how we can expose Apex classes as RESTful web services. In the previous chapters, we have seen a variety of different asynchronous Apex options and how we can utilize them to build more scalable solutions. A common use case for these options was making callouts to external services to integrate them with Salesforce from the Salesforce side. This is referred to as an outbound integration as we are making a call from Salesforce out to an external system. In Chapter 11, Using Platform Events, we discussed the use of platform events and how they can be utilized to provide bidirectional communication, which is both an outbound integration through the external consumption of events, but also an inbound integration by having external services publish platform events to be consumed on platform.
This chapter focuses on another method of providing inbound integration...