What are inactive contacts?
There are some intrinsic benefits to defining what an inactive contact is in the context of your business or organization. As we learned in the previous chapter, segmenting is a powerful tool and can be leveraged with inactive contacts. In some cases, you might choose to create a custom campaign specifically for people who are subscribed to your audience but maybe haven’t opened or clicked on a campaign in a specific period of time. This can be over 3 months, over 6 months, and so on – you can experiment!
Alternatively, once you’ve attempted to re-engage this subset of your subscribers, you might determine that keeping them in your audience as subscribed just might not make sense for your business. Email, in particular, demands that we walk a fine line between reaching out to our audience and making sure that we’re not perceived as “spammy.” Mailchimp does quite a lot of work to make sure that it’s compliant...