Chapter 12: Having Fun with Power BI
Hi there, and welcome to Chapter 12! This is sadly the last chapter of the book. We will use it to explore even more features and workflows of this fantastic business intelligence tool – Microsoft Power BI. Forget about construction, buildings, and BIM data. We will use a fun dataset here to explore some new Power BI tools and a new way to stream data into it! We want to master how to manage data in Power BI. We don't care whether the data relates to our projects. This chapter will indeed use a dataset created by the readers of this book themselves. Yes! I made a form to collect users' data and create a streaming link directly into Power BI. Do not worry. I won't ask for personal information, such as your name, email, or address. I just want to create a "live" dataset designed and visualized by you, the readers. However, I will approve each reply to the form for security reasons to keep everything clean and professional...