Creating your own component!
Now that we've gotten through all the basic knowledge about how React and React Native work, it's time to put our skills to the test by creating a lot of different components. Worry not—we're also going to create a bigger and more complex app. But as you know, a React application is formed from lots of different components, so by creating components, we're actually getting ready to create apps.
I was thinking that for our first component, we should start with a news card. This would usually go straight to the news feed—we'd use multiple components like this with different text if we were to create a news app. So, how do we start?
Just like we usually do, create an app with the following command:
expo init chapter08
We're going to use the same app for all our exercises in this chapter because it's a lot easier than creating a project for each of them. So, right after the project has been created...