Introducing the Sunspot data
Sunspots are dark spots visible on the Sun's surface. This phenomenon has been studied for many centuries by astronomers. Evidence has been found for periodic sunspot cycles. We can download up-to-date annual sunspot data from This is provided by the Belgian Solar Influences Data Analysis Center. The data goes back to 1700 and contains more than 300 annual averages. In order to determine sunspot cycles, scientists successfully used the Hilbert-Huang transform (refer to A major part of this transform is the so-called Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) method. The entire algorithm contains many iterative steps, and we will cover only some of them here. EMD reduces data to a group of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMF). You can compare this to the way Fast Fourier Transform decomposes a signal in a superposition of sine and cosine terms.