Azure periodic service activities
These are activities that should be performed periodically to ensure the health of the system:
- Check the individual monitoring dashboards for any high or unusual metric patterns so that any performance issues can be addressed.
- Check whether the database has sufficient capacity so that storage can be adjusted if required.
- Rebuild database table indexes (this could be done on a scheduled task as there is no SQL agent in SQL Azure). SQL Azure Databases, by default, are set to automatically recompute statistics, so this is not required.
- Archive and prune data that may no longer be needed to save on storage costs.
- Check whether the mobile service push notifications are receiving all broadcast notifications, and user-specific notifications are received by a test user.
- Touch-test application UIs to make sure there are no visual issues and everything is working as expected; problems may occur if there is an issue with some backend web services or storage.
- Evaluate service...