R packages for LDA
There are mainly two packages in R that can be used for performing LDA on documents. One is the topicmodels package developed by Bettina GrĂ¼n and Kurt Hornik and the second one is lda developed by Jonathan Chang. Here, we describe both these packages.
The topicmodels package
The topicmodels package is an interface to the C and C++ codes developed by the authors of the papers on LDA and
Correlated Topic Models (CTM) (references 7, 8, and 9 in the References section of this chapter). The main function LDA
in this package is used to fit LDA models. It can be called by:
>LDA(X,K,method = "Gibbs",control = NULL,model = NULL,...)
Here, X is a document-term matrix that can be generated using the tm package and K is the number of topics. The method
is the method to be used for fitting. There are two methods that are supported: Gibbs
and VEM
Let's do a small example of building LDA models using this package. The dataset used is the Reuter_50_50 dataset from the UCI Machine Learning...