Commands and parameters
First of all, we need to clarify about the different naming conventions around commands. You have probably heard of Cmdlets, which technically refer to the compiled commands written in C#. In addition, there exist functions which are script-based commands and commands as the regular commands used in PowerShell. A best practice is to use a combination of a verb, which describes an action, and a noun, describing an object or type. As an introduction, you should try to use the following cmdlets in VSCode. These cmdlets are the most basic ones, and you will probably use them daily:
#Example of a cmdlet # Do-Something # Verb-Noun #Retrieving Help and examples Get-Help #Retrieves all commands Get-Command #Shows full help about the cmdlet Get-Command Get-Help Get-Command -Detailed #Downloads and updates the help on this computer - needs Admin rights Update-Help #Shows typical example for the cmdlet Get-Command Get-Help Get-Service -Examples #All command containing...