Creating visualizations
Human beings are visual creatures. In the same way that a picture is worth a thousand words, so too can visualizations of data convey information and insights in a manner that is just not possible otherwise.
Creating your first visualization
Follow these steps to create your first visualization:
- Begin by clicking on the Report view in the Views area.
- In the Fields pane, if your Calendar table is not already expanded so that you can see the column names in the table, simply click the > icon to the left of the table name to expand the table and show the columns.
- Start by clicking on the IsWorkDay column and drag and drop this column onto the canvas. Instantly, you have a clustered column chart whose y axis goes from 0 to 800. If you hover your mouse over the column, you will see the text IsWorkDay 782 displayed. This popup is called a Tooltip, and this indicates that there are 782 combined working days (Monday-Friday) in the years 2017...