Technical requirements
Preparing to clean up your CRM is like getting your closet ready for a wardrobe makeover – exciting, daunting, but oh-so-rewarding in the end! Here are some steps to get you prepped and primed:
- Assess your data: Start by taking a good look around your CRM. Identify any duplicates, inaccuracies, or outdated information lurking in the depths. It’s like sorting through your closet and tossing out those items you haven’t worn in years. It’s better to find potential issues on your own rather than having your client email you a 2 A.M. when they find a spelling error or wrong job title – and trust me, they will!
- Have clear goals in mind: What do you hope to achieve with your cleanup? Are you aiming to improve data accuracy, streamline processes, or enhance reporting capabilities? Setting clear goals will help guide your cleanup efforts and keep you focused along the way.