Mapping the process
Mapping the process that is already in place is essential if you are going to properly understand it. In Kanban terminology, a map of how your system and processes work is called a value stream map. As well as helping you to understand your current system, it will, more importantly, be a key step in helping you to improve your process (this will be explored in more detail in Chapter 8, Day 30: Release Planning). The following exercises describe a way to iterate over your process and extract one piece of information at a time.
Exercise I – draw the process steps
Decide on a typical case, feature, or issue from the "standard" service class for which you want to make a value stream map. To begin, set the coordinates between which the entire process will unfold, that is, the start and the end. At the beginning you have a customer with a need (this could be a simple problem, a missed opportunity, or even an idea); indicate this on your 'map' with a sad face so you are clear...