Validation methods
In this chapter, taking the basic JSF form as a base, we will learn how to apply validation on the server side and on the client-server side. There are certain advantages to both the strategies; we will learn about the pros and cons of both the approaches.
Server-side validation
Form validation can be achieved on the server-side in a Java EE application running on the application server or the servlet container. The information is sent from the web browser to the web application as a normal HTTP form submission. In this mode, the form is submitted as a traditional HTML form element. The web framework, in this case Java EE, validates the input and sends back a response to the client. If the form fails the validation, the page that contains the web form is redisplayed and error messages are shown.
The server-side quick validation is secure in the sense that it will protect the database even if JavaScript is disabled or unavailable in a web browser. On the other hand, this...