Diving into the Future
According to a recent CNCF survey report (https://www.cncf.io/reports/cncf-annual-survey-2021/), 96% of enterprises use or are considering utilizing Kubernetes. Containers in general, and Kubernetes in particular, appear to be used less as the technology matures. Organizations appear to be employing serverless and managed services more intensely than in the past, and users no longer need to know about or understand the underlying container technology.
The industry has seen an exponential increase in the use of cloud-native technology over recent years. Modernizing applications with Kubernetes and containers has been a common theme for many businesses. The de facto DevOps standard for established businesses and start-ups is continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) based on containers. The ideal platform for executing workloads at the edge is Kubernetes. Additionally, it has evolved into a hybrid computing platform that enables public cloud providers...