Juzer Ali was born and brought up in a small Indian town of Mhow near Indore, Madhya Pradesh. After finishing school in Mhow he took up an Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering course at Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Indore. During his college days, irrespective of his branch of study, he was always interested in learning computer programming. After graduating he worked for two and a half years at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) as a full stack engineer. It was during this tenure that Juzer came across node.js technology and started exploring it. Juzer has made some open source contributions and is a co-maintainer of nodeelasticsearch- client project and the author of crawl.js and expressive-router node modules. He tried to spread JavaScript best practices and evangelize node.js at TCS. Currently he is working as a node.js consultant with a multinational company. Although he was inclined towards writing since childhood, he never undertook serious writing on a technical subject before this book. He has been writing short fiction stories on his blog since adolescence.
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