Creating a wallpaper
Desktop wallpapers have always been an important component of a computing environment, making it feel more personal and tailored to the user's taste. Many digital graphics artists have successfully exploited wallpapers as a showcase for their art. Wallpapers are a very effective vector for artists wanting a greater exposure and their popularity has spawned countless website directories, galleries, and archives.
In this recipe we will create an abstract art wallpaper by employing part of the knowledge we have gathered from the previous recipes.
How to do it...
The following steps will demonstrate how to create a wallpaper:
1. Open Document Properties (Shift + Ctrl + D) and change the Page size to 1024 x 768 px, a very common screen size of the 4:3 aspect ratio.
2. Enable Snap to the page border
by clicking on the button in the snapping bar. Create a rectangle using the Rectangle tool (F4 or R) that covers the page area exactly by snapping it to the top-left and bottom-right...