To get the most out of this book
You will need to have access to Revit 2021 or later versions of this software for most of the chapters. The information provided in this book can be applied to any future Revit version because the explanations cover many principles of productivity not based on a specific Revit version.
Some chapters will also require you to have access to the following software: AutoCAD, Dynamo BIM, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Power BI.
The chapters are divided into specific areas to improve productivity, and you can explore the book as required. Once you start to read a chapter, you will see how it is organized to make it easy for you to follow and practice the content provided.
The book was designed to give you a hands-on approach to improving your efficiency with useful explanations, which will step-change your productivity.
There are no prerequisite knowledge or skills required to follow this book. However, having a basic understanding of Revit would be helpful.