Vapor, written in Swift, is one of the best frameworks available for building scalable and maintainable web applications. Since Swift compiles to a native app, it provides excellent performance while keeping code clean, readable, and easy to learn. It is particularly suited for microservices as Vapor was written with microservices in mind.
Hands-On Swift 5 Microservices Development aims to teach you how to build a next-generation web application. We will work through the development of an e-commerce backend that is written in Swift using the Vapor framework. You will explore how microservices operate together best and what is important for them.
We'll start by introducing microservices first and explaining how they operate. Then we will look at Swift on the server and which options we have. After that, we will combine the two and start working on Swift microservices. Throughout the course of the rest of the book, we will cover everything from writing user management services all the way to deploying the services on cloud platforms. After reading this book, you should have everything you need to write your own applications.