So, that is the chapter, one that was a little more serious than the ones you might have been used to, but this is serious business. IaC is a concept to be taken seriously; it is very powerful and can be the solution to a lot of problems that require the application of DevOps principles.
We initially looked at a very basic application of IaC using Python in SaltStack. It was quite rudimentary but very effective for simple projects. We closed it out by diving into the guts of SaltStack and understanding the logic behind its Python modules.
After that, we looked at the slightly more flexible Ansible and discovered all of the conveniences that it provides as well as the customization possibilities.
Lastly, we looked at Terraform and cdktf, which is used with Python Terraform and resource modules in order to perform Terraform’s resource creation.
All of this has hopefully helped you gain a new perspective on IaC and allowed you to understand its importance in...