Comment-based help
Simply defining a function creates a very basic help entry. Here's the default help for the MdAndGo
function that we wrote earlier in the chapter:

We haven't given PowerShell enough to build a useful help entry, but fortunately for us there is a simple way to include help content through comments. This feature in PowerShell is called comment-based help and is documented thoroughly in the about_comment_based_help
help topic. For our purposes, we will add enough information to show that we're able to affect the help output, but we won't go into much detail.
With comment-based help, you will include a specially formatted comment immediately before the function. Keywords in the comment indicate where the help system should get the text for different areas in the help topic. Here's what our function looks like with an appropriate comment:

After executing the file to create the function, we can test the comment-based help using get-help MdAndGo
, just as before:

Since we included...