Working with management consoles
In previous versions of Citrix XenApp presentation, Citrix Presentation Server, and Citrix MetaFrame, policies were stored on the IMA and we managed XenApp policies from the Citrix Management Console.
Starting with XenApp 6, and continuing with XenApp 6.5, policies are stored in the Active Directory and we can manage XenApp policies through the Group Policy Management Console or Local Group Policy Editor in Windows, or using the Citrix AppCenter Console on XenApp 6.5, or the Citrix Delivery Services Console in XenApp 6.0 servers. Choosing the right console depends on our network environment and permissions.
Using the Group Policy Management Console
The Group Policy Management Console (shown in the following screenshot) allows us to view or create Active Directory policies. It also enables us to view the resulting policies applied to users or computers, which is very useful for troubleshooting (more about this is discussed later).

If our network environment is...