How Business Central and Power Platform are better together
When Shawn and I started our careers in information technology over 25 years ago, Business Central was a little-known ERP that was starting to gain traction. Back then, there was a very limited toolset that we had to work with. We had to build all the customizations into the ERP code, and it was a crazy time. Often, these customizations would be built by different developers with very different approaches, and you would end up with what we would refer to as spaghetti code. The resulting code would often lead to people not being able to upgrade promptly or force people to re-implement it. With the move to Business Central and the cloud, the architecture and solution design has changed and provided us with a toolset that’s unlike anything we have ever had before.
In this chapter, we will explore why Business Central and Power Platform are better together, and we will begin to learn more about the different components...