This is a little book that encapsulates my current thinking on how best to write and maintain CSS codebases for rapidly changing, long-lived web projects.
- There is no framework to download
- There are no requisite tools (although there are opinionated guidelines for what tooling should provide)
- Nothing is written for you
Put metaphorically, Enduring CSSÂ is not giving you fish; it's teaching you how to fish.
It's a methodology for writing CSS that once implemented, will provide your project with a predictable, and easy to maintain CSS codebase.
The earliest iterations of Enduring CSS were first documented in August 2014, in the blog post, Enduring CSS: writing style sheets for rapidly changing, long-lived projects (
However, the ECSS approach has developed a little since then and so this book should be considered the canonical resource on the approach.
I hope you enjoy reading it.
Ben Frain