Chapter 5. Deploying and Managing Services with Kubernetes
Kubernetes was started at Google as a way for them to manage containers and was released as open source on June 2014. Other companies quickly jumped on board. Kubernetes is the backend for Red Hat OpenShift 3, Deis Workflow, and fabric8's Platform as a Service (PaaS) products. Everyday, more and more organizations are deploying Kubernetes to orchestrate their services.
Kubernetes is a huge project; there is no way to cover everything about it in a single chapter. This chapter will cover everything you need to get started orchestrating containers using Kubernetes. The full documentation can be found at
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
- Installing Kubernetes
- Running pods
- Managing deployments
- Using rolling updates to upgrade a deployment with zero downtime
- Using services and load balancers to expose your application to the Internet
- Using persistent volumes to preserve container...