SASE Forward
In the future, SASE services will be completely different from what is available today. Similar to the history of x86 computer hardware, it will be predictable and, therefore, a pattern emerges that allows the diligent to stay ahead of the next change.
The future is only predictable through the lens of history. Ignoring history has been the cause of the fall of many organizations, governments, countries, and whole civilizations that have ceased to exist. The further we can travel back in time through history, the more patterns become observable.
The future is very much a SASE services future. It is time to embrace the model of perpetual learning. It is time to realize that in the world, there are changes, threats, risks, issues, and barriers to success. The way to meet each new issue is through conquering your personal fears, your organizational fears, and your cultural fears.
A new model requires a perpetual state of change within your person, organization, and...