Exercise 3: Provisioning Your APIM
Provisioning the APIM instance might take about 40 minutes for all price tiers except the Consumption tier. Only one APIM instance per subscription is allowed with the Consumption tier.
Some APIM features, such as connecting existing backend APIs, product and subscription management, an authentication platform, and integration with Git, will be configured later and explained in the next part of the chapter. For now, execute the following steps in Bash to provision the APIM service instance for your subscription. The code can also be found at the following link: https://packt.link/3sXVe
The following commands should be executed from Azure Cloud Shell Bash or local Bash. The Azure CLI needs to be installed from http://aka.ms/azcli.
- Initialize the APIM
- Provision APIM with the Consumption tier; this might take up to three minutes.
az apim create -n $account --location eastus --resource...