Find the right place to share
Now that you know how to find the right types and topics of content, you need to find the right place to share it.
There are many places where you can share your content, but the most important thing is to know where your audience is. Every time you share content, you’re sharing to help someone take action, solve a problem, and improve their lives. Your content is geared toward a special person. We call this an “avatar,” a representative of the type of person that needs to hear, listen, or consume your content. Wherever you publish your content, the right audience, your avatar, needs to be present because that’s where they’re going to find your content and benefit from it.
If you’re writing text, one of the most common places to share it is social media. If you have an audience on social media, sharing content there can help you promote content that’s published somewhere else, or you can use social...