To get the most out of this book
Although you might be familiar with the website building applications in Odoo, if you are a beginner in the field, you might need an understanding of Odoo and its website builder module. Moreover, a system with Odoo installed will be required to run the platform and design your website using the website builder.
Odoo releases a new version almost every year. This book was written when Odoo 14 was released, and the contents are described according to the functional option of the Odoo website builder. Therefore, if you’re someone who uses the latest version of Odoo, you may find the options to be slightly different than those presented in this book. You can read the references from the Further reading section mentioned at the end of each chapter of this book. These references describes the functional aspects of Odoo but there will be a slight change in the options described as they are based on older versions.