Chapter 1, Installation and Setup, helps us understand how to sign up for a free AWS account, and how to use the Management Console.
Chapter 2, Launching an EC2 Instance, provides us with information on how to launch an EC2 instance, and during that process, we will learn about AMIs, instance types, storage options, and security groups.
Chapter 3, Logging in to EC2 Instances, teaches us about key pairs, which we will then use to authenticate an SSH to Linux instances. Finally, we will use them to decrypt the administrator password and remote desktop to a Windows instance.
Chapter 4, Networking on AWS, covers designating private IP address ranges for your VPC. We also cover the three types of IP address used for EC2s, as well as elastic network interfaces, which hold the instance's network attributes for IP connections. We discuss subnets and route tables, and how a route in the route table can make a subnet public or private. Then, we'll talk about NAT instances and NAT gateways, to give instances and private subnets access to the internet.
Chapter 5, Creating a VPC, covers classic EC2s and EC2s in a VPC, using the default VPC, creating your own VPC with the VPC wizard or from scratch, connecting to your VPC, and securing your VPC with network ACLs, bastions, and NAT instances. Finally, we cover making your architecture highly available by means of multiple availability zones, elastic load balancing, and auto scaling.