Previous editions of this book used the Roboschool library from OpenAI (https://openai.com/index/roboschool) to illustrate trust region methods. But eventually, OpenAI deprecated Roboschool and stopped its support.
But environments are still available in other sources:
PyBullet: The physics simulator we experimented with in the previous chapter, which includes a wide variety of environments that support Gym. PyBullet may be a bit outdated (the latest release was in 2022), but it is still workable with a bit of hacking.
Farama Gymnasium MuJoCo environments: MuJoCo is a physics simulator that we discussed in Chapter 15. After it was made open source, MuJoCo was adopted in various products, including Gymnasium, which ships several environments: https://gymnasium.farama.org/environments/mujoco/.
In this chapter, we will explore two problems: HalfCheetah-v4, which models a two-legged...