- .anm animations / Pre-baked physics with .CGA objects
- Add Event option / How to do it...
- advanced material editor parameters
- using, for animation creation / Gettinganimationcreating, advanced material editor parameters usedadvanced material editor parametersusing, for animation creation ready, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- animate textures, using / Animated textures
- vertex deformation / Vertex deformation
- AI
- invisible boundary cross, limiting / Forbidden boundaries, How it works..., AIinvisible boundary cross, limitingForbidden areas
- invisible area cross, limiting / AIinvisible boundary cross, limitingForbidden areas
- FOVs, narrowing / Getting readyAIFOVs, narrowing
- respawning / Respawning AI, How to do it..., There's more...AIrespawning
- wave FlowGraph node properties / AI wave FlowGraph node properties
- about / Making the AI go to a location when the player enters a proximity trigger
- Goto command, giving / Making the AI go to a location when the player enters a proximity trigger, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- GotoEx / AIGotoEx
- AI navigation
- about / Generating the AI navigation
- generating / Getting ready
- working / How it works...
- AI triangulation, generating / Generating AI triangulation
- AI triangulation
- debugging / GettingAI triangulationdebugging ready
- ai_debugdraw 1 / How to do it...
- ai_debugdraw 74 / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- AIwave FlowGraph node properties
- input / AI wave FlowGraph node properties
- output / AI wave FlowGraph node properties
- AI_Goto / How to do it...
- Align Height Map tool / See Align Height Map toolalso
- animation
- creating, advanced material editor parameters used / Gettinganimationcreating, advanced material editor parameters usedadvanced material editor parametersusing, for animation creation ready, How to do it...
- working / How it works...characterpreviewing, for Sandboxanimationspreviewing, for SandboxSandboxcharacters, previewingSandboxanimations, previewing
- driven motion flag / Searching animationdriven motion flagand filtering animations
- filtering / Searching animationdriven motion flagand filtering animations
- searching / Searching animationdriven motion flagand filtering animations
- assets, types / Types of animation assets, Creating animationassets, typesupper body only animations
- upper body animations, creating / Creating animationassets, typesupper body only animations, How to do it..., How it works...
- animations
- previewing, for Sandbox / Previewing animations and characters for Sandbox, How to do it..., How it works...characterpreviewing, for Sandboxanimationspreviewing, for SandboxSandboxcharacters, previewingSandboxanimations, previewing
- ArcadeWheeled parameters / How to do it...
- AutoMove property / How to do it...
- <body> tag / How to do it...
- basic time of day
- creating / Getting ready, How to do it...
- sky color setting / How to do it...
- Fog subsection / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Cascaded Shadow Maps / How it works...
- Variance Shadow Maps / How it works...
- Time Of Day dialog / How it works...
- Force sky update to True settings / Forcing sky update to true
- record icon / Record icon
- play icon / Play icon
- blendspace / How it works...
- Brushes
- Geom entity, differentiating / How it works...
- *.cry file / How it works...
- .caf animation / How characteropening, in character editorit works...
- .cdf (Character Definition File) / How to do it...
- .CGA
- about / Introduction, Creating a new car mesh (CGA)
- .CHR / Introduction
- .chrparams file
- animation names, wildcarding / .chrparams file Wildcard Mapping
- .cry files
- about / What is a .cry file?
- camera animation, Track View sequence
- steps / How to do it...
- in Track View editor / How to do it...
- roll, adding to camera / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Field of View (FOV) / FOV
- playback speed / Playback speed
- curve editor / Curve editor
- capture_folder console command / Debuggingcapture_folder console command visual glitches
- capture_frames commnad / Capturing TGA images as reference images
- capture_frames_once command / Capturing TGA images as reference images
- car
- new mesh, creating / Creating a new car mesh (CGA)
- new XML, creating / Creating a new car XML
- speed, enhancing / Giving more speed to the car
- Massbox, manipulating / Increasing the mass to push objects with the car
- seat helper, creating / Defining a sitting location
- multiple cameras, setting up / Setting up multiple cameras for the car
- machine gun, attaching / Getting ready
- weak spot, giving / Giving the car a weak spot
- CarDestroy / How it works...
- car speed
- increasing / Getting ready
- Arcade Wheeled movement property / How it works...
- Cascaded Shadow Maps / How it works...
- character
- about / Introduction
- animation, creating / Creating animation for your character
- animating, from CryENGINE / Getting ready
- opening, in character editor / How to do it..., How characteropening, in character editorit works...
- .chrparams file, working / How characteropening, in character editorit works...
- animations compression, changing / Changing the animations compression
- animation names, wildcarding within .chrparams file / .chrparams file Wildcard Mapping
- animation names, wildcarding / Animobjectcharacteranimation names, wildcarding entity
- Animobject entity / Animobjectcharacteranimation names, wildcarding entity
- previewing, for Sandbox / Previewing animations and characters for Sandbox, How to do it..., How it works...characterpreviewing, for Sandboxanimationspreviewing, for SandboxSandboxcharacters, previewingSandboxanimations, previewing
- character animation
- creating / Creating animation for your character, How to do it...
- working / How characteropening, in character editorit works...
- animations compression, creating / Changing the animations compression
- .chrparams file Wildcard Mapping / .chrparams file Wildcard Mapping
- Animobject entity / Animobjectcharacteranimation names, wildcarding entity
- cloud feature
- enhancing / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- achieving, ways / How it works...
- shadows / Cloud shadows
- color grading
- about / Color grading your level
- steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- _CCH naming convention / _CCH naming convention
- TGA images, using / Capturing TGA images as reference images
- visual glitches, debugging / Debuggingcapture_folder console command visual glitches
- console variables (CVars)
- using / Using console variables (CVars) in the Track View
- using, in Track View / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- values, animating / Animating the CVar values
- t_scale cvar / T_scale cvar in Track View
- Console Variables window / The Console
- constraints
- about / Constraints
- placing down / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- constraint frame / How it works...
- properties / Constraint properties
- cookbook_wave animation / How to do it...
- countdown timer
- creating / How to do it...countdown timercreating
- resulting Flow Graph / How to do it...countdown timercreating
- working / How it works...
- caustics / Caustics
- animated characters / Introduction
- skinned characters, creating / Creating skinned characters for the CryENGINE, How to do it...
- ragdolls / GettingCryENGINEragdolls ready
- level, opening / Opening a level in the CryENGINE 3 Sandbox, How to do it...
- .cry files, working / How it works...
- level.cfg, using / Using a level.cfg
- default settings, restoring / Restoring the CryENGINE 3 default settings, How to do it..., How it works..., See also
- user folder, deleting / Deleting your user folder
- color grading / How it works...
- cloud feature / Improving your sky with clouds
- AI / Introduction
- source assets / Introduction
- target Assets / Introduction
- asset pipeline / Introduction
- matching in 3D, unit setup used / Setting up units to match CryENGINE in 3ds, How to do it...
- static objects, exporting / Creating and exporting static objects
- material effects / Creating new material effects
- CryENGINE 3 plugin installation, for 3D Studio Max
- assets, creating / Installing the CryENGINE 3 plugin for 3D Studio Max
- starting with / Installing the CryENGINE 3 plugin for 3D Studio Max, Getting ready
- steps / How to do it...
- working / There'sCryENGINE 3 plugin installation, for 3D Studio Maxworking more...
- 3ds Max CryTools Maxscripts / 3ds Max CryTools Maxscripts
- tools, classifying / 3ds Max CryTools Maxscripts
- 3ds Max CryTools Maxscripts, installing / Installing the 3ds Max CryTools Maxscripts
- 3ds Max CryTools Maxscripts, uninstalling / Uninstalling the 3ds Max CryTools Maxscripts
- CryENGINE 3 Software Development Kit / Introduction
- CryENGINE 3 Software Development Kit / Introduction
- Crysis*HitInfo node / How it works...
- CryTIF
- about / Creating textures using CryTIF
- using, for texture creation / Getting ready, How to do it..., HowCryTIFusing, for texture creation it works...
- working / HowCryTIFusing, for texture creation it works...
- Plug-in Root Path, editing / Editing CryTIFPlug-in Root Path, editingthe CryTif plugin root path
- default presets, adjusting / Adjusting the default presets in the CryTIF dialog
- DDS file output, manual generation / Manually generating the .DDS output
- Ctrl + E / How to do it...
- Customize dialog box / How to do it...
- 3ds
- material, setting up for export engine / How to do it..., materialssetting up, for export engine3dsmaterial, setting up for export engineHow it works...
- 3D Studio Max
- CryENGINE 3 plugin, installing / Installing the CryENGINE 3 plugin for 3D Studio Max
- <Damages> tag / How to do it...
- <DamagesGroups> tag / How to do it...
- debug draw modes
- about / Enabling the debug draw modes
- enabling / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- pixel cost scale / Overdraw pixel cost scale
- r_stats 15 command / R_stats 15
- profiles / Profiles, See also
- Decals
- using, for terrain tiling breakup / Breaking up tiling with Decals, How it works...
- working / There's Decalsworkingmore...
- parameters / Decal parameters, DecalsDecalsparameters can have their unique position, rotation, and scale
- DefaultVehicleDamages.xml / How it works...
- DeferredClipBounds property / How to do it...
- Density offset parameter / Density offset
- density {{density or =mass}} = mass parameter / Seedensity {{density or =mass}} = mass parameter also
- Depth Pass / Draw Calls
- destroyable objects
- about / Creating and exporting destroyable objects
- creating / Getting ready, How to do it...
- working / How it works..., There'sdestroyable objectsworking more...
- 2D breakable assets / Two-dimensional breakable assets
- jointed breakables / Jointed breakables, User defined destroyable objectsjointed breakablesproperties
- user defined properties / User defined destroyable objectsjointed breakablesproperties
- director node / How to do it...
- Display Info tab / How it works...
- Edit Events option / How to do it...
- Enemy AI
- placing / Getting ready
- working / How to do it...
- Grunt / How it works...
- replacing, as Entity Archetypes / There's more...
- engine
- exporting to / Exporting to an engine, How it works...
- .pak files, opening / Opening .pak files
- entity animation, Track View editor
- about / Animating entities in the Track View
- steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- entity visibility track / Entity visibility track
- scale tracking / Animating scale
- tracks / Entities and their tracks
- entity parameter / User defined destroyable objectsjointed breakablesproperties
- environment, creating
- basic time of day / Getting ready
- terrain lighting / Getting readyenvironment, creatingterrain lighting
- GI / Using the real-time Global Illumination
- HDR lighting / Editing HDR lighting and the effects for flares
- gobal volumetric fog / Creating a global volumetric fog
- night scene / night scenecreating, time of day parameters usedenvironment, creatingnight sceneGetting ready
- Color grading / Color grading your level
- photo realistic ocean / Creating a photo realistic ocean
- cloud feature / Gettingenvironment, creatingcloud feature ready
- rain / Making it rain in your level
- Export Nodes button / How to do it...
- FirstPerson class / How to do it...
- First Person view to Third Person view
- switching setup / Changing theFlow Graphworking player camera through key input, How to do it...
- goc_camera / There's more...
- Flow Graph
- about / Debugging the Flow Graph
- prerequisities / Getting ready
- debugging / How to do it...
- working / How it works..., Changing theFlow Graphworking player camera through key input
- result, clearing / There's more...
- players health, displaying / Displaying the player's health through a Flow Graph, How to do it...
- sequence, triggering / Triggering a sequence using the Flow Graph
- FlowGraph (FG) / How to do it...
- Follow Terrain method / There's more...
- Follow Terrain tool / How it works...
- forbidden areas
- cross, limiting / forbidden areascross, limitingGetting ready
- working / How it works...
- forbidden boundaries
- cross, limiting / Forbidden boundaries
- working / How it works...
- FOVs, AI
- narrowing / How to doFOVs, AInarrowing it..., How it FOVs, AInarrowingworks...
- awarenessOfPlayer, working / How it FOVs, AInarrowingworks...
- FOVPrimary, working / How it FOVs, AInarrowingworks...
- FOVSecondary, working / There's FOVs, AIFOVSecondary, workingmore...
- about / How to do it...
- frame time
- about / How to do it...
- Frequency (%) brush / RepositionFrequency (%) brush objects and vegetation
- Game Mode
- switching to / Switching to game mode, How to do it...
- generic = count parameter / User defined destroyable objectsjointed breakablesproperties
- Geom entity
- placing, in level / Getting Geom entityplacing, in levelready
- working / How it works...
- Brushes, differentiating / How it works...
- object types / How it works...
- GI
- about / Using the real-time Global Illumination
- starting with / Getting ready
- using / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- advanced Cvars / Advanced GI Cvars
- gobal volumetric fog
- about / Creating a global volumetric fog, Getting ready
- creating / How to do it..., Howgobal volumetric fogcreating it works...
- working / Howgobal volumetric fogcreating it works...
- Density offset parameter / Density offset
- fog rendering, disabling in Render Settings / Enabling or disabling fog in the Render Settings
- fog rendering, enabling in Render Settings / Enabling or disabling fog in the Render Settings
- Goto command / Making the AI go to a location when the player enters a proximity trigger
- Hangman on rope example
- starting with / Getting ready
- performing, steps / How to do it...
- working / SeeHangman on rope exampleworking also
- HDR Lighting
- about / Editing HDR lighting and the effects for flares
- Environment settings, exploring / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- flare light effects / Lights with flare effects
- glow texture effect / Glow texture effect produces bloom and flares
- Icon Bar / How to do it...
- image-based lighting
- about / Creating image-based lighting
- pros / Creating image-based lighting
- cons / Creating image-based lighting
- creating, entity environment probe used / Creating image-based lighting, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- cubemaps, generating / Generating all Cubemaps
- interior object navigation
- starting with / Getting ready
- AI Navigation Modifier / How to do it...
- setting up / How to do it...
- AI Points / How to do it...
- Entry/Exit Points / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Auto-Dynamic Points vs Designer Controlled Points / Auto-Dynamic Points versus Designer Controlled Points
- Key Properties / How to do it...
- kill counter
- about / Creating a kill counter
- creating / How to do it...
- working / How it works..., Rewardingkill counterworking the player for reaching a kill goal
- kill goal
- about / Rewardingkill counterworking the player for reaching a kill goal
- player achievement, rewarding / Rewardingkill counterworking the player for reaching a kill goal, How to dokill goalplayer achievement, rewarding it..., How it works...kill goalplayer achievement, rewarding
- Math*Counter, using / How it works...kill goalplayer achievement, rewarding
- Launcher / Exporting to an engine
- map, running / Running a map from the Launcher, How to do it...
- level
- saving / Saving your level, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- level.cfg / Using a level.cfg
- level navigation
- Sandbox Camera, using / Navigating a level with the Sandbox Camera, Getting ready, How to do it...
- Sandbox Camera / Navigating a level with the Sandbox Camera, Getting ready, How to do it...
- level objects
- selecting / Selecting and browsing level objects, How to do it...
- browsing / Selecting and browsing level objects, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- hidden objects, browsing / Browsing frozen and hidden objects
- frozen objects, browsing / Browsing frozen and hidden objects
- list types / List types
- level optimization, VisArea used
- about / Optimizing the levels with VisAreas and portals, How to do it...
- level statics
- about / Getting level staticsaboutready
- saving / How to do it...
- Save Level Statistics, working / How it works...
- Textures tab / Textures tab and render targets
- render targets / Textures tab and render targets
- physics tris / Physics tris and physics size
- physics size / Physics tris and physics size
- Detailed Dependencies tab / Detailed dependencies tab
- light areas
- about / Using light boxes and light areas, Getting ready
- working / How it works...
- multiple light shapes, linking to / Linking to multiple light shapes
- light box
- about / Using light boxes and light areas, Getting ready
- using / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- concave light shape, using / Using a concave light shape
- locomotion animations
- about / Creating locomotion animations
- creating / Getting ready
- support structure, creating / How to do it...
- working / How it works..., There'slocomotion animationsworking more...
- swimming transitions / Swimming and vehicle transitions
- vehicle transitions / Swimming and vehicle transitions
- locomotion loops / Locomotion loops
- 180 degree rotational assets / Idle to move and 180 degree rotational assets
- LOD (Level of Detail)
- about / LOD (Level of Detail)
- creating / LOD (Level of Detail)
- low gravity
- setting up / Low gravity, How to do it...
- GravityBox, working / How it works...
- uniform property / Uniform property
- Gravity sphere / Gravity sphere
- machine gun
- attaching, to car / Getting ready
- working / How it works...
- Massbox, car
- lighter objects, pushing / GettingMassbox, carlighter objects, pushing ready
- working / How it works...
- material effects
- defining / Creating new material effects
- creating / Getting ready, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- new surface types, creating / Creating new surface types
- physics block, parameters / Physics block parameters
- ammo, surface types / Seematerial effectsammo, surface types also
- materials
- setting up, for export engine / How to do it..., materialssetting up, for export engine3dsmaterial, setting up for export engineHow it works...
- working / materialssetting up, for export engine3dsmaterial, setting up for export engineHow it works...
- textures in 3ds Max, assigning / Assigning textures in 3ds Max to materials
- Physicalize checkbox / Physicalize
- Math*Equal node / How it works...
- Math*Round node / There's more...
- menus
- customizing / How to customize toolbars and menus
- working / How it works...
- Options tab / The Options tab
- Reset menu / The Options tab
- Keyboard tab / Personalized menus and toolbars
- personalizing / Personalized menus and toolbars
- shortcut key, assigning / Personalized menus and toolbars
- multiple car cameras
- setting up / multiple car camerassetting upGetting ready
- first person camera / How to do it...
- third person camera / How to do it...
- wheel camera / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- multiple developer collaboration
- layers, utilizing / Utilizing the layers for multiple developer collaboration, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- external layer limitations / External layer limitations
- multires / How to do it...
- New button / How to do it...
- new level
- creating, from scratch / Creating a new level, How to do it...
- options, working / How it works...
- Terrain option, using / Using the Terrain option
- Heightmap resolution / Heightmap resolution
- Meters per unit / Meters per unit
- Terrain size / Terrain size
- new mesh, car
- creating / Creating a new car mesh (CGA), Getting ready, How to do it...
- hierarchy, setting up / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- dummy helpers, using / Dummy helpers for modification of the parts
- limitless possibilities / Parts for vehicles and their limitless possibilities
- night scene
- creating, time of day parameters used / night scenecreating, time of day parameters usedenvironment, creatingnight sceneGetting ready, How to do it...
- SSAO amount / HDRnight sceneSSAO amountnight sceneSSAO contrastSetup parameters at night
- SSAO contrast / HDRnight sceneSSAO amountnight sceneSSAO contrastSetup parameters at night
- HDRSetup paramters / HDRnight sceneSSAO amountnight sceneSSAO contrastSetup parameters at night
- moon color, adjusting / Moon and corona color and scale
- corona color, adjusting / Seenight scenecorona color, adjustingnight scenecorona scale, adjusting also
- corona scale, adjusting / Seenight scenecorona color, adjustingnight scenecorona scale, adjusting also
- Night Sky parameter / How to do it...
- Non-Uniform Scaling / How to do it...
- Num Sides parameter
- using / Num Sides parameterusingSee also
- object layers
- requirements / Getting ready
- deactivating / How to do it...
- activating / How to do it...
- working / How it works..., There's more...
- layer switching, limits / Limits of layer switching
- cinematics / Cinematics
- object placement
- refining / Refining the object placement, How to do it...
- local direction / Local position and rotation
- Rotation refinement / Local position and rotation
- angle snaps / Grid and angle snaps
- grids / Grid and angle snaps
- Ctrl + Shift + Click / Ctrl + Shift + Click
- object placing
- about / Placing the objects in the world
- steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- objects, grouping
- prerequisites / Getting ready
- steps / How to do it...
- Group tool, working / How it works..., There's more...
- group, closing / Seeobjects, groupinggroup, closing also
- occlusion geometry
- about / User occlusion geometryaboutdefined properties
- Ocean Animation parameters / How to do it...
- Ocean Fog Color / How to do it...
- .pak files
- opening / Opening .pak files
- re-exporting / Corrupted .pak files should be deleted and re-exported
- detecting / Corrupted .pak files should be deleted and re-exported
- <Power> tag / How to do it...
- parameters, Decals
- ProjectionType / Decal parameters
- Deferred / Decal parameters
- ViewDistRatio / Decal parameters
- personalized toolset layout
- about / Setting up a personalized toolset layout
- starting with / Getting ready
- Rollup Bar / Getting ready
- setting up / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Status Bar / The Status Bar
- Console / The Console
- Toolbox / The Toolbox
- Perspective Viewport window / Getting ready
- working / How it works...
- customizing / There's more...
- Speed input / Viewport movement speed control
- viewport, adjusting / Under Views you can adjust the viewport to view different aspects of your level
- main viewport, splitting to several subviewports / Splitting the main viewport to several subviewports
- photo realistic ocean
- creating / Gettingphoto realistic oceancreating ready, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- water parameters, animating / Animating water parameters
- caustics / Caustics
- Free form transformation (FFT) water / Free form transformation FFT water
- physics properties, rock slide
- ActivateOnDamage / Physics properties
- CanBreakOthers / Physics properties
- Density / Physics properties
- Mass / Physics properties
- Physicalize / Physics properties
- PushableByPlayers / Physics properties
- Resting / Physics properties
- RigidBody / Physics properties
- RigidBodyActive / Physics properties
- player camera
- changing, key input used / Changing theFlow Graphworking player camera through key input, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- portals
- levels, optimizing / Optimizing the levels with VisAreas and portals
- working / How it works...
- ambient color / Ambient color of VisAreas and portals
- vertical usage / Using VisAreas and portals vertically
- Prefab
- starting with / Getting ready
- creating / How to do it...
- new library, creating / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- benefits / How it works...
- Modified Prefabs / How it works...
- Extract Object function / Extract Object and Extract All
- Extract All function / Extract Object and Extract All
- opening / Open/Close
- closing / PickPrefabclosing and Attach/Remove Object and Update Prefab
- Pick and Attach function / PickPrefabclosing and Attach/Remove Object and Update Prefab
- Remove Object function / PickPrefabclosing and Attach/Remove Object and Update Prefab
- Update Prefab function / PickPrefabclosing and Attach/Remove Object and Update Prefab
- procedural terrain
- generating / Generating a procedural terrain, How to do it...
- working / How it works..., There'sprocedural terrainworking more...
- generating, settings / Terrain generation settings
- procedural terrain generation setting
- feature size / Terrain generation settings
- Bumpiness / Noise (Fade) / Terrain generation settings
- Detail (Passes) / Terrain generation settings
- Variation / Terrain generation settings
- Blurring (Blur Passes) / Terrain generation settings
- Set Water Level / Terrain generation settings
- Make Isle / Terrain generation settings
- profiling tools, Sandbox
- using / How to do it...
- values / How to do it...
- frame time / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Draw Call / Draw Calls
- Triangle count / Triangle count
- budget / Budgets
- properties, constraints
- damping / Constraint properties
- max_bend_torque / Constraint properties
- max_pull_force / Constraint properties
- NoSelfCollisions / Constraint properties
- Radius / Constraint properties
- UseEntityFrame / Wrecking properties, constraintsUseEntityFrameball
- property, Arcade Wheeled
- acceleration / There's more...
- decceleration / There's more...
- TopSpeed / There's more...
- ReverseSpeed / There's more...
- handbrake-decceleration / See property, Arcade Wheeledhandbrake-deccelerationalso
- Pure Gamemode / How it works..., Essential game objects
- p_draw_helpers property / There'sTornadoesworking more...
- ragdolls, CryENGINE
- about / Ragdoll and physics for characters, See also
- starting with / GettingCryENGINEragdolls ready
- setting up / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- IK limits / IK limits
- ParentFrames / ParentFrames, ragdolls, CryENGINEParentFramesDead body entity settings
- dead body entity settings / ragdolls, CryENGINEParentFramesDead body entity settings
- rain
- achieving / Making it rain in your level
- particle-only technique / How to do it...
- Post Effect entity, working / How it works...
- lightning entity / Lightning entity
- global wind speed, adjusting / Wind
- fog entity / Fog volumes
- rain.rain.space_loop functions / How to do it...
- render targets / Textures tab and render targets
- RESOURCE COMPILER / Installing the CryENGINE 3 plugin for 3D Studio Max
- rigid body geometry data
- animating / Getting ready
- creating / How to do it...
- .anm files, working / How it works...
- physically simulated animations, baking into .cga objects / Pre-baked physics with .CGA objects, Animrigid body geometry dataphysically simulated animations, baking into .cga objects object and pre-baked .CGA
- pre-baked .cga, using / Animrigid body geometry dataphysically simulated animations, baking into .cga objects object and pre-baked .CGA
- road parameters
- width / Road parameters
- StepSize / Road parameters
- TileLength / Road parameters
- SortPriority / Road parameters
- Road tool
- about / GettingRoad toolabout ready
- starting with / GettingRoad toolabout ready
- using / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- road parameters / Road parameters
- Shape Editing / Shape editing
- Align Height Map tool / Align Height Map
- rock slide
- about / Rock slide
- building / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- physics properties / Physics properties
- simulation properties / Simulation properties, See also
- Rollup Bar
- about / Using the Rollup Bar
- starting with / Getting ready
- using / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- AI section / The AI section
- Area section / The Area section
- Entities section / The Entities section
- Misc Objects section / The Misc Objects section
- Solids section / The Solids section
- Archetype entity section / The Archetype entity section
- Geom entity section / The Geom entity section
- Prefabs section / The Prefabs section
- Sound section / The Sound section
- r_measureoverdraw command / Overdraw pixel cost scale
- r_MeasureOverdrawScale command / Overdraw pixel cost scale
- r_stats 15 command / R_stats 15
- <SeatAction> tag / How it works...
- Sandbox
- designing / How to do it...
- characters, previewing / Previewing animations and characters for Sandbox, How to do it..., How it works...characterpreviewing, for Sandboxanimationspreviewing, for SandboxSandboxcharacters, previewingSandboxanimations, previewing
- animations, previewing / Previewing animations and characters for Sandbox, How to do it..., How it works...characterpreviewing, for Sandboxanimationspreviewing, for SandboxSandboxcharacters, previewingSandboxanimations, previewing
- profiling tools / Profiling performance in the Sandbox
- Save State button / ragdolls, CryENGINEParentFramesDead body entity settings
- Scale (%) brush / Noise settings
- seat helper, car
- creating / Getting ready, How to do it...
- working / How it works..., See also
- Select Objects window / How to do it...
- sequence trigger, Flow Graph used
- steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- debugging trigger, inputTopicnsequence trigger, Flow Graph useddebugging trigger, inputkey flow node / Useful debugging trigger
- start time property / Start time property
- Break on Stop property / Break on stop property
- set capture_file_format command
- TGA images, using / Capturing TGA images as reference images
- Shape editing
- Adding Points / Shape editing
- Angle / Shape editing
- Individual Point Width / Shape editing
- Show Rollup Bar command / How to do it...
- simulation properties, rock slide
- Damping / Simulation properties
- FixedDamping / Simulation properties
- max_time_step / Simulation properties
- sleep_speed / Simulation properties
- sizevar = var parameter / User defined destroyable objectsjointed breakablesproperties
- skinned characters, CryENGINE
- about / Creating skinned characters for the CryENGINE
- starting with / Getting ready
- geometry / Getting ready
- creating / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- materials, creating / Materials and characters
- LODs (Level of Detail), creating / LOD (Level of Detail)
- bone attachments / Bone Attachments
- Solids
- editing / Editing and merging solids, How to do it...
- prerequisites / Getting ready, How to do it...
- merging / Getting ready, How to do it...
- modifying / How to do it...
- basic chimney, creating / How to do it...
- selected geometry, exporting to .OBJ / Exporting the selected geometry to .OBJ, ResettingSolidsselected geometry, exporting to .OBJ the XForm
- XForm, resetting / ResettingSolidsselected geometry, exporting to .OBJ the XForm
- Solids tool
- about / Making basic shapes with the Solids tool
- prerequisites / Getting ready
- working / Solids toolworkingThere's more...
- cylinder shape / Solids toolcylinder shapeSolids toolsphere shapeSolids toolcone shapeNumber of sides—only for cone, sphere, cylinder
- sphere shape / Solids toolcylinder shapeSolids toolsphere shapeSolids toolcone shapeNumber of sides—only for cone, sphere, cylinder
- cone shape / Solids toolcylinder shapeSolids toolsphere shapeSolids toolcone shapeNumber of sides—only for cone, sphere, cylinder
- Num Sides parameter, using / Solids toolcylinder shapeSolids toolsphere shapeSolids toolcone shapeNumber of sides—only for cone, sphere, cylinder
- Spawn point, for Pure Gamemode
- creating / Essential game objects, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- SSAO (screen-space-ambient occlusion) / SSAO (screen-space-ambient occlusion)
- static objects
- about / Creating and exporting static objects
- models, creating / How to do it...
- simple cylindrical unwrap / How to do it...
- creating / How to do it...
- exporting / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- physics proxy / Physics proxy
- occlusion geometry / Occlusion geometry
- user defined properties / User occlusion geometryaboutdefined properties
- box parameter / User occlusion geometryaboutdefined properties
- cylinder parameter / User occlusion geometryaboutdefined properties
- capsule parameter / User occlusion geometryaboutdefined properties
- sphere parameter / User occlusion geometryaboutdefined properties
- Mass = Value parameter / User occlusion geometryaboutdefined properties
- terrain lighting
- about / Adjusting the terrain lighting
- adjusting / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Terrain Occlusion dialog box / Transition terrain lightingTerrain Occlusion dialog boxshading from the sun to the moon
- Moon/Sun Shadow Transition, adjusting / Transition terrain lightingTerrain Occlusion dialog boxshading from the sun to the moon
- SSAO (screen-space-ambient occlusion) / SSAO (screen-space-ambient occlusion)
- Terrain sculpting
- about / Terrain sculpting
- starting with / Getting ready
- using / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Noise settings / Noise settings
- vegetation / RepositionFrequency (%) brush objects and vegetation, See also
- reposition objects / RepositionFrequency (%) brush objects and vegetation, See also
- terrain texture
- setting up / Gettingterrain texturesetting up ready, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Radius and Hardness, setting / There's more...
- Altitude and Slope, setting / There's more...
- Filter (Brightness), setting / There's more...
- Tile Resolution, setting / There's more...
- Generating Surface Textures, setting / There's more...
- terraintexture.pak / There's more...
- terrain tiling breakup, Decals used
- starting with / Getting ready
- steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Decal parameters / Decal parameters
- territory FlowGraph node properties
- input / AI territory FlowGraph node properties
- output / AI territory FlowGraph node properties
- textures
- creating, CryTIF used / Creating textures using CryTIF
- toolbars
- customizing / How to customize toolbars and menus, How to do it...
- Standard ToolBar / Getting ready
- EditMode ToolBar / Getting ready
- Object ToolBar / Getting ready
- Mission ToolBar / Getting ready
- Terrain ToolBar / Getting ready
- Dialogs ToolBar / Getting ready
- Console ToolBar / Getting ready
- New button / How to do it...
- Rename button / How to do it...
- Delete button / How to do it...
- Reset button / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Tornadoes
- about / GettingTornadoesabout ready
- placing down / How to do it...
- working / How it works..., There'sTornadoesworking more...
- p_draw_helpers property / There'sTornadoesworking more...
- track events
- using / Using track events, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- removing, from sequence / Removing events from the sequence
- image nodes, triggering from / Triggering image nodes for track sequences
- Track View
- console variables (CVars), using / Using console variables (CVars) in the Track View, How to do it...
- Track View editor
- about / Introduction
- using / Introduction
- entity, animating / Animating entities in the Track View
- entity animations, playing / Playing animations on entities in the Track View, How to do it...
- AnimObject entities, working / How it works...
- loop animation / Loop animation
- start time / Start time
- time sclae / Time scale
- track events, using / Using track events
- Track View sequence
- about / Creating a new Track View sequence
- creating / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- director node, console / Available tracks in the director node
- director node, capture / Available tracks in the director node
- properties / Sequence properties
- camera, animating / Animating a camera in the Track View
- trigger area setup
- prerequisites / How to beam the player to a tag point from a trigger
- steps / How to do it...
- working / Seetrigger area setupworking also
- units
- setting up, for CryENGINE match / Setting up units to match CryENGINE in 3ds, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- snap setting / Grid and Snap settings
- grid setting / Grid and Snap settings
- measurement references / Measurement reference
- upper body only animations
- creating / How to do it..., There's moreupper body only animationsworking..., See also
- working / There's moreupper body only animationsworking...
- additive animations / Additive animations
- additives, using / Using additives
- Variance Shadow Maps / How it works...
- vegetation objects, painting
- starting with / Getting ready
- steps / How to do it...
- Vegetation Painter, working / How it works...
- parameters / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- vegetation parameters
- size / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- SizeVar / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- RandomRotation / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- AlignTo Terrain / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- UseTerrainColor / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- Bending / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- Hideable / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- PlayerHideable / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- GrowOn Voxels/Brushes / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- Pickable / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- Brightness / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- Density / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- ElevationMin/Max / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- SlopeMin/Max / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- CastShadow / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- RecvShadow / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- SpriteDistRatio / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- LodDistRatio / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- MaxViewDistRatio / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- Material / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- UseSprites / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- MinSpec / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- Layer_Frozen/Wet / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- Use On Terrain Layers / Vegetationvegetation objects, paintingparameters parameters
- VisArea
- levels, optimizing / Optimizing the levels with VisAreas and portals, How to do it...
- creating / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- ambient color / Ambient color of VisAreas and portals
- blind spots / Blind spots
- vertical usage / Using VisAreas and portals vertically
- Voxel
- about / Making caves with Voxels
- starting with / Getting ready
- caves, making / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- enhancing, options / SoftVoxelenhancing, options Create
- Soft Create / SoftVoxelenhancing, options Create
- materials / CopyVoxelmaterials Terrain
- Copy Terrain / CreatingVoxelCopy Terrain Prefabs to store in external libraries
- weak spot
- giving, to car / Gettingweak spotgiving, to car ready, How to do it...
- working / How it works..., See weak spotworkingalso
- wrecking ball
- about / Gettingwrecking ballabout ready
- using / How to do it...
- working / See alsowrecking ballworking
- XML, for car
- creating / Getting ready
- DefaultVehicle.xml / Getting ready
- basic properties / How to do it...
- parts, creating / How to do it...
- movement parameters / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- components / How it works...
- def_vehicle.xml file / There's more...
- Z axis , Shape Editing / Shape editing