Other Qt Creator analysis tools
In the earlier section, we discussed QML Profiler, but you may need to analyze your C++ and Qt Widgets code. Qt Creator provides integration with some of the famous analysis tools to help you analyze your Qt application. Some of the tools that come with Qt Creator are listed here:
- Heob
- Performance Analyzer
- Valgrind
- Clang Tools: Clang-Tidy and Clazy
- Cppcheck
- Chrome Trace Format (CTF) visualizer
Let's briefly discuss these tools and become familiar with them before getting into their documentation.
To use Heob, you first need to download and install it. Buffer overruns and memory leaks can be easily detected with Heob. It works by overriding the caller process's heap functions. An access violation is raised when a buffer overrun occurs, and stack traces of the offending code and buffer allocation are noted. You will find the stack traces when the application exits normally. It doesn't require any recompilation...