Well, we have completed our application and that is the time to think about distribution. As you understand, asking our users to install Node.js and type npm start from the command line will not be friendly. Users will expect a package that can be started as simply as any other software. So, we have to bundle our application along with NW.js for every target platform. Here, nwjs-builder comes in handy (https://github.com/evshiron/nwjs-builder).
So, we install the npm i -D nwjs-builder tool and add a task to the manifest:
"scripts": {
"package": "nwb nwbuild -v 0.21.3-sdk ./app -o ./dist -p linux64, win32,osx64",
Here, we specified three target platforms (-p linux64, win32,osx64) at once and thus, after running this task (npm run package), we get platform-specific subfolders in the dist...