In this chapter, we:
Learned how to make asynchronous AJAX requests with a callback to process the response.
Integrated a third-party library for easier AJAX requests.
Learned how to perform multiple asynchronous operations at once, and how to track when they finished.
Used these skills to request information from DuckDuckGo's API and display it in our pet store application.
Used Promises, Async.js, and IcedCoffeeScript to help us control the flow of asynchronous code.
Asynchronous operations are a common sight in JavaScript, and we got some useful experience working with them in CoffeeScript. We learned some helpful features of CoffeeScript that help us keep our operations on track, and we learned some good architectural principles to keep in mind when working with asynchronous code of any sort.
The features we've added in this chapter mark the end of the new functionality we'll be adding to our pet shop application. It looks pretty good, don't you think? We'll still be working with the...