Chapter 3. Creating and Administering Community Websites
At first glance, a web page consists of colors, layout, and data. When dynamically building the requested page for a visitor, the CSK engine imports these elements from external sources. You can easily change (or create) what the visitor sees by altering these external sources and without recompiling the project. The CSK stores the colors (and styles) in external Cascading Style Sheets, and the layout is managed by skin files (you’ll learn about these inChapter 4 .)
This chapter will teach you how to administer the data displayed by the CSK. We will specifically talk about:
Using the Community Administration Menu to manage your community
Managing global community data and working with multiple communities on a single CSK installation by using the ISP Admin pages
Using the Community Administration Menu
The CSK is equipped with a powerful administrative interface named the Community Administration Menu. It is an excellent tool that allows...