Give the UI some visual appeal
Our button as it stands is working perfectly, but doesn't exactly cry out to be tapped. The button's default (clear) background color and default button font may identify to an experienced user that it is indeed a button, but let's add a little sparkle to what is still a very monochromatic interface so that everyone new to the Watch - and we can, at the moment, be sure that a large proportion of our users will be just that - will both immediately recognize the button for what it is and be motivated to explore it.
Adding a group
This is a good opportunity to spend a little time looking at one aspect of watchOS development that is very different to its iOS counterpart—UI layout design.
It is not possible with WatchKit to programmatically create an interface or indeed make many fine adjustments to the layout once it has loaded. All this needs to be done before building the app, using the graphical user interface we have been using up until...