Chapter 12: Building a Nominate and Vote App in Honeycode
In our day-to-day life, we all come across contests in various forms. In some, we are participating as a contestant, while in others, we are just viewers. In some, we may be judging, while in others, we are the organizer, the viewer, and might also be the judge. In an effort to engage viewers, a very common form of contest extensively used by media is to decide a winner by popular vote. A variant of this even allows for an audience to first nominate the candidates, which are then subject to voting for deciding a winner. We see similar contests also featuring in professional spaces, but a more common form of this problem is seen in the form of all-hands meetings that typically encourage employees to submit questions ahead of time.
Often, there are no specific tools available to quickly set up an easy tool or process for supporting this and you may find yourself using emails, Word documents, or spreadsheets to manage it. This...