Spark applications
Let's understand the difference between spark Shell and spark applications and how they are created and submitted.
Spark Shell versus Spark applications
Spark lets you access your datasets through a simple, yet specialized, Spark shell for Scala, Python, R, and SQL. Users do not need to create a full application to explore the data. They can start exploring data with commands that can be converted to programs later. This provides higher developer productivity. A Spark application is a complete program with SparkContext that is submitted with the spark-submit
Scala programs are generally written using Scala IDE or IntelliJ IDEA and SBT is used to compile the programs. Java programs are generally written in Eclipse and compiled with Maven. Python and R programs can be written in any text editor and also using IDEs such as Eclipse. Once the Scala and Java programs are written, they are compiled and executed with the spark-submit command as shown in the following...