In this chapter, we explored the IWDG timer, an important component for enhancing the reliability of embedded systems. We began by discussing the general concept of WDTs, emphasizing their role in ensuring systems can recover from unexpected faults or malfunctions. We explored how WDTs function and highlighted the unique features of the IWDG.
Next, we focused on the STM32 implementation of the IWDG, examining its key registers and configuration options. We detailed the purpose and usage of essential registers such as the Key Register (IWDG_KR
), Prescaler Register (IWDG_PR
), Reload Register (IWDG_RLR
), and Status Register (IWDG_SR
). This provided a comprehensive understanding of how to configure and control the IWDG for robust system operation.
We also provided practical examples to solidify our understanding, including the development of a bare-metal IWDG driver. This involved initializing the IWDG, configuring its prescaler and reload values, and implementing the necessary...