Chapter 11: Beyond Automation; an Introduction to Scripting
In this book, we have focused on automating everyday tasks in Jira using a code-free approach. This automation functionality is native to Jira Cloud and is available in Jira Server and Jira Data Center with the addition of the Automation for Jira app.
This approach makes it very easy for Jira administrators to get up and running with automation quickly as they require no specialist coding knowledge. In addition, the ability to create automations can be delegated to project administrators, thereby allowing Jira administrators to focus on other tasks.
However, any book on automation in Jira would not be complete if it did not mention scripting and, in particular, ScriptRunner for Jira, which is arguably the most well-known automation app available.
In this chapter, we'll provide a brief introduction to ScriptRunner for Jira and to the Groovy scripting language, which ScriptRunner uses under the hood. In addition...