80 and 443 TCP ports 707
firewalld 708
ufw 708
@angular/service-worker npm package 575
adding 577
#if preprocessor directives
reference link 437
.NET 151
.NET 5 7-9
.NET 6 9
features and improvements 9, 10
.NET 7 10
improvements 10, 11
.NET 8 11
download link 686
improvements and features 11
.NET console application, debugging using Visual Studio
reference link 423
.NET deployment modes 671
framework-dependent deployment (FDD) 671
framework-dependent executable (FDE) 671, 673
self-contained deployment (SCD) 671, 672
.NET SDK/.NET Runtime, installing on Ubuntu 22.04
reference link 704
RxJS Subject
reference link 358
/src/app/ folder 73
AppComponent 75
AppModule 73, 74
/src/ folder 73
.webmanifest MIME type
adding 697
access modifiers 401
AccountController 520, 521
ApiLoginResult 515, 516
implementing 514
JwtHandler 517, 518
JwtSettings 516, 517
LoginRequest 515
action methods
CitiesController, securing 534
CountriesController, securing 534
securing 533
SeedController, securing 534
Act phase 473, 474, 528
addDataListeners 649
Admin user 532
ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation 674
Angular 2, 12
GraphQL, adding to 625
selecting, reasons 23
upgrading/downgrading 68, 69
used, for building web application 2
Angular 2 13
Angular 2, improvements
Angular Mobile Toolkit (AMT) 14
command-line interface (CLI) 14
components 14
semantic versioning 14
server-side rendering (SSR) 14
TypeScript 14
Angular 4 15
improvements 15
Angular 5 15
features 15
Angular 6 16
Angular 7 16
features 16, 17
Angular 8 17, 18
improvements and features 17
Angular 9 18, 19
features 18
Angular 10 19
Angular 11 20
features 20
Angular 12 20
improvements 20, 21
Angular 13 21
Angular 14 21
Angular 15 22
Angular 16 22
Angular 17 22
features 22
Angular app
AppComponent, updating 87-90
AppRoutingModule, updating 90, 91
building 708, 709
FetchDataComponent, adding 85
HomeComponent, adding 84
HomeComponent, modifying 91, 92
navigation menu, adding 85-87
publishing 732, 733
refactoring 83
test files of AppComponent, updating 90
test, running 92, 93
updating 143, 144
Angular app component
adding 122
AppRoutingModule 122
NavMenuComponent 123
testing 123, 124
Angular app, updating
angular-material.module.ts 261
cities.component.html 263-265
cities.component.ts 261-263
performing 261
Angular architecture
reference link 113
Angular CLI 39
Angular code
upgrading 71
Angular component 109, 282, 283
AppModule 287
AppRoutingModule 287
countries.component.html 285, 286
countries.component.scss 286
CountriesComponent, testing 288, 289
countries.component.ts 283-285
country.ts 283
creating 110
health-check.component.css 120, 121
health-check.component.html 119, 120
NavComponent 287
styling 121, 122
Angular component files
.css file 109
.html file 109
.spec.ts file 109
.ts file 109
health-check.component.ts 110, 111
Angular deployment tips 673, 674
angular.json configuration file(s) 676
automatic deployment 676, 677
differential loading 675, 676
environment.ts file(s), updating 676
ng build 674, 675
ng serve 674, 675
package.json file 674, 675
Angular form debugging 441
activity log 445, 446
activity log, extending 447, 448
activity log, testing 447
Form Model, viewing 441-443
pipe operator 444
user, reacting to changes 444
Angular forms 295, 296
exploring 294
Angular front-end 66
/src/ folder 73
root files 66, 67
test, running 77-79
Angular health checks 110
Angular component, creating 110
Angular initialization cycle 74
reference link 118
AngularJS 12
cache-friendly 13
dependency injection 13
directives 13
single-page approach 13
two-way data binding 13
angular.json file
updating 577
Angular Language Service
reference link 17
Angular Live Development Server 50
Angular Material 125
AngularMaterialModule, adding 233, 234
data, serving with 232
filtering, adding 265
installing 125, 126
MatTable 234
pagination, adding with MatPaginatorModule 237
reference link 126
sorting, adding with MatSortModule 251
adding 233, 234
updating 234, 235
Angular Material select 324-326
Angular packages 68
upgrading/downgrading 69, 70
Angular PNG icon set 586
Angular project
creating 40-44
Angular test suite 483
cities tests, creating 491, 492
describe and beforeEach sections 484-486
executing 492-495
fixture and component, configuring 489, 490
import section 484
mock CityService, adding 486
mock CityService, implementing 487-489
title test, creating 490
Angular unit tests 481, 482
general concepts 482
suite 483
TestBed interface 482
testing, with Jasmine 483
anonymous types
versus DTO classes 384, 385
API endpoints
modifying 80-82
api/heartbeat endpoint
adding 593
Minimal APIs 594
extending 251-255
Apollo Angular 625
installing 625-627
AppComponent 75
app.component.html 591, 592
app.component.scss 592, 593
app.component.ts 590, 591
files 75
HTML template file 77
spec.ts file 77
StyleSheet file 77
TypeScript class file 75, 76
updating 590
application logging 456, 457
application programming interfaces (APIs) 2
AppModule 73, 74
AppModule file
updating 589
AppRoutingModule 122
App Service
apps, adapting for 731, 732
apps, publishing to 732
App Service instances
creating 727
App Service Managed Certificate 663
appsettings.Development.json file 61
appsettings.json file 60
updating 193
appsettings.Production.json file(s)
HealthCheck.Server 669, 670
updating 669
WorldCities.Server 670, 671
app trimming feature 672
Arrange, Act, Assert pattern 471
Arrange phase 472, 473, 528
CountriesController 279, 280
used, for building web application 2
reference link 9
ASP.NET back-end 56
configuration files 57
controllers 61, 62
OpenAPI (Swagger) 63-66
GraphQL, adding to 614
selecting, reasons 23
ASP.NET Core 1.x 3, 4
ASP.NET Core 2.1
references 4
ASP.NET Core 2.2
references 5
ASP.NET Core 2.x 4, 5
ASP.NET Core 3.0
references 6
ASP.NET Core 3.1
reference link 7
ASP.NET Core 3.x 5, 6
ASP.NET Core app
updating 143
ASP.NET Core, configuring to work with proxy servers and load balancers
reference link 709
ASP.NET Core deployment tips 663
launchSettings.json file 663, 664
runtime environments 665
ASP.NET Core fundamentals overview
reference link 58
ASP.NET Core health checks 98
HealthChecks middleware, adding 98, 99
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) request check, adding 99, 100
ASP.NET Core, hosting on Linux with Nginx
reference link 706
ASP.NET Core, hosting on Windows with IIS
reference link 696
ASP.NET Core Identity
AccountController, implementing 514
action methods, securing 533
ApplicationDbContext, extending 512, 513
ApplicationUser, creating 512
configuring 513, 514
JwtBearerMiddleware, configuring 521, 522
NuGet packages, adding 511, 512
SeedController, updating 522
setting up 511
ASP.NET Core Identity APIs
reference link 508
ASP.NET Core Identity model 510
entity types 510, 511
ASP.NET Core Identity system 508
ASP.NET Core logging 457
ASP.NET Core project
publishing 733-735
ASP.NET Core revolution 2
ASP.NET Core Runtime 686
installing 704, 705
Microsoft signing key and repository, downloading 705
ASP.NET Core Runtime installation
IIS service, restarting 687
ASP.NET Core Server 49
ASP.NET Core SignalR 639
ASP.NET Core solution
overview 56
ASP.NET Core unit tests 466
Act phase 473, 474
Arrange phase 472, 473
Assert phase 474
behavior-driven development 479-481
debugging 476-478
executing 474
executing, with CLI 474, 475
executing, with Visual Studio Test Explorer 475, 476
first test, creating 470-472
test-driven development 478, 479
WorldCities.Server.Tests project, creating 466, 467
ASP.NET Core Windows hosting bundle
installing 686, 687
assembly linker 672
Assert phase 474, 528
Asynchronous JavaScript + XML (AJAX) 29, 395
Asynchronous programming scenarios
reference link 536
async tasks 535, 536
async validators 328
authentication 497, 499
third-party authentication 504
authentication, in Angular
AuthService, implementing 542, 543
HttpInterceptors 555
implementing 541
LoginComponent, creating 544
LoginRequest interface adding 542
LoginResult interface, adding 542
Route Guards 558, 559
authentication methods 499
signatures 503
tokens 501, 502
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 503
implementing 560, 561
testing 562
authorization 497, 505
proprietary authorization 505
third-party authorization 506
implementing 542, 543
authStatus observable
creating 550, 551
testing 554, 555
UI, updating 551
awaits 535, 536
Azure Active Directory 507
Azure App Service deployment 727
Azure Bastion documentation
reference link 683
Azure Data Studio 183
download link 173
Azure Spot feature
reference link 681
Azure SQL
reference link 174
Azure SQL Database for free
reference link 181
Azure SQL Managed Instance
reference link 174
Azure tenant 177
Azure Virtual Machine publish profile 690, 691
Azure Web Apps deployment options
reference link 734
backend debugging 422
basics 423
conditional breakpoint 423, 424
Entity Framework (EF) Core 432, 433
working, on Windows/Linux 422, 423
backend server, proxying
reference link 81
Banana Cake Pop (BCP) 622
implementing 367, 368
baseUrl property
adding 83
environment files, generating 82
implementing 82
behavior-driven development (BDD) 465, 479-481
Blazor render modes
reference link 11
broadcast message
adding 644
controller, using 645
Minimal API, using 645
browser developer tools 439-441
bugs 421
bundling 674
C# 10 features
reference link 10
Cache, configuring
reference link 628
calls, debouncing to back-end 357
CitiesComponent, updating 357-359
CountriesComponent, updating 359
child class 367
updating 235-237
Cities, list 226
[hidden] attribute 229
app-routing.module.ts 230, 231
cities.component.html 228
cities.component.scss 230
cities.component.ts 227, 228
city.ts 227
nav-component.html 231, 232
Add a new City button, adding 316
adding 312
CityEditComponent, extending 313-316
route, adding for Add a new City button 317-319
extending 370, 371
CityEditComponent, Reactive Forms 302, 303
city-edit.component.html 307-309
city-edit.component.scss 309
city-edit.component.ts 304-307
Angular app, using 632-634
mutation, querying 634-636
refactoring 628-630
class inheritance 366, 367
used, for executing test 474
client-initiated events 653
feature, testing 656
HealthCheckComponent, updating 655
HealthCheckHub, updating 653
HealthCheckService, updating 654
client-side debugging 448, 449
client-side paging 238-241
client-side validation 333
debouncing 356
throttling 356
code bloat 364
Code-First approach 155
cons 156
pros 156
used, for creating database 187
Common Language Runtime (CLR) 511
Component Dev Kit (CDK) 125
components 75
conditional breakpoint 423, 424
Actions feature 425, 426
Conditions checkbox 425
setting, options 424
testing 426, 427
configuration files 57
appsettings.json 60
Program.cs 57-60
connection string
securing 194
console applications 456
constructor 116
Content Delivery Network (CDN) 81, 668
content management systems (CMSes) 29
continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) 690
Continuous Integration (CI) 149
controllers 61, 62
CORS policy 595
countries, adding to loop 279
Angular 282
CountriesController 279, 280
odd JSON naming issue 280-282
AppRoutingModule 350
CountriesComponent 351
country-edit.component.html 348-350
country-edit.component.scss 350
country-edit.component.ts 341-345
creating 341
extending 369, 370
IsDupeField server-side API 346, 347
isDupeField validator 346
testing 352-355
refactoring 636
C# preprocessor directives
reference link 165, 437
CreateDefaultUsers() unit test
defining 524
IdentityHelper static class, adding 524-526
SeedController_Test class, adding 526-529
Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) 148, 499
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) 594-596
AllowedCORS configuration setting, adding 596
implementing 596
Program.cs file, updating 597
replacing, with Sass 133, 134
CSS code sample 130, 131
CSS history 130
custom async validator
reference link 336
C# version 9
reference link 9
fetching 224
Data Annotations 162, 188
autogenerated database tables, checking 204
configuring 183, 184
creating 199
creating, with Code-First approach 187
data, seeding 539-541
dotnet CLI, using 200
Excel file, importing 207-214
identity migration, adding 537
initial migration, adding 200
login, mapping to 186, 187
migration, applying to 537
migrations 205
Package Manager Console, using 203, 204
populating 205, 206
Program.cs, updating 199, 200
SeedController, implementing 206, 207
updating 536, 537
WorldCities database, creating 184, 185
Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) approach 173
database connection string
checking 710, 711
Database-First approach 156
cons 157
pros 157
database initialization strategies 192, 193
database initializers/DbInitializers 192
Database Management System (DBMS) 141
database management tool(s)
installing 173
database schema (DB schema) 539
database table names
defining 169
data interchange format 641
data migration 205
data model 151
DataModel 300
data modeling approaches 155
Code-First approach 155, 156
Database-First approach 156, 157
options, selecting 158
data seeding
reference link 206
data seeding strategy 206
data server
using, reasons 148, 149
data services 394
building 399
Fetch 396, 397
HttpClient 397, 398
XMLHttpRequest 394-396
data source 149, 150
Data Transfer Object (DTO) 216, 380
data validation 326, 327
model-driven validation 328
server-side validation 333-335
template-driven validation 327, 328
setting up 187, 188
DbExtensions.AsNoTracking Method
reference link 213
DBMS licensing models 154
Developer edition 154
Evaluation edition 154
Express edition 154
DBMS structured logging, with Serilog 458
HTTP requests, logging 460
logs, accessing 460-462
NuGet packages, installing 458
Serilog, configuring 458-460
dead code purging 675
deadlocks 535, 536
reference link 359
debouncing 356
Debug built-in provider 457
debugger 421
debugging 421
dependency injection (DI) 113, 114, 511
deprecated APIs and features
reference link 18
desktop applications 456
development environment 665
differential loading 675, 676
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) 19
DI in Angular
reference link 114
DI in ASP.NET Core
reference link 114
DI registration options 519, 520
Document Object Model (DOM) 115, 229
Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle 364
dotnet CLI
database, updating 201, 202
No executable found matching command dotnet-ef error 202
System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException error 203
using 200
dotnet-ef console commands 539
dragon-breath 12
DTO classes 383, 384
security considerations 384
separation of concerns 384
versus anonymous types 384, 385
DupeCityValidator, server-side validation 335
CitiesController 337
city-edit.component.html 337, 338
city-edit.component.ts 335, 336
Observable methods 339, 340
performance issues 340
RxJS operators 339, 340
testing 338, 339
eager loading 168
ECMAScript 2022 675
edge-origin proxy 716
reference link 204
EF Core PMC / PowerShell
reference link 204
Elvis operator 331
alternatives 662, 663
configuring 660, 661
HOSTS file, tweaking 661, 662
end-to-end (E2E) web development tool 12
#region blocks, using 164-166
City entity 160-163
Country entity 163, 164
creating 158
defining 159, 160
securing 386
entity controllers 214
CitiesController 215, 216
CountriesController 216
testing 217, 218
usage, considering 216
Entity Data Model (EDM) 151
Entity Framework 7 151
Entity Framework Core Database Providers list 152
Entity Framework Core (EF Core) 151, 152, 377
debugging 432, 433
installing 152, 153
reference link 205, 617
Entity Framework Core loading pattern 168
entity type configuration methods 188
Data Annotations 188
EntityTypeConfiguration classes 188-191
Fluent API 188-190
options, selecting 192
entity types 510, 511
error handling in ASP.NET Core
reference link 667
error handling techniques 666, 667
Excel file
importing 207-214
explicit loading 168
adding 583, 584
download link 583
favicon online generators
references 583
feature modules 74
Fetch 394-397
advantages 398
deploying, to Linux VM 711, 712
URL 712
FileZilla FTP Server
reference link 689
filter behavior
debouncing 356
improving 355
throttling 356
adding 265
AngularMaterialModule 276-278
ApiResult, extending 266-272
CitiesComponent 273-275
CitiesComponent style (SCSS) file 276
CitiesComponent template (HTML) file 275
CitiesController 272, 273
performance considerations 278
reference link 617
Fluent API 188-190
Folder publish profile
creating 688
FormBuilder 340
CountryEditComponent, creating 341
CountryEditComponent, testing 352-355
using, reasons 296, 297
Forwarded Headers Middleware 709
adding 710
framework-dependent deployment (FDD) 671
advantages 671
disadvantages 672
framework-dependent executable (FDE) 671, 673
advantages 673
disadvantages 673
frontend debugging 437
Angular form debugging 441
browser developer tools 439-441
client-side debugging 448, 449
Observables, unsubscribing 449
Visual Studio JavaScript debugging 437, 438
FTP publish profile 689, 690
Full Database Backup
reference link 538
full-stack approach 28
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 4
generic types 403
GetAngular 12
GetCountries() SQL query 433, 434
#if preprocessor directive, using 436, 437
SQL code, obtaining programmatically 434, 435
ToParametrizedSql() method, implementing 435, 436
globalization-invariant mode
reference link 203
Google identity provider 504
GraphQL 607, 612
adding, to Angular 625
adding, to ASP.NET Core 614
advantages over REST 612, 613
CityService, refactoring 628-630
CountryService, refactoring 636
disadvantages 613
implementing 613
versus REST 608
GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification
reference link 630
updating 627
GraphQL query
improving 631, 632
GraphQL schema
testing 622-625
publishing 687
testing 698, 736, 737
healthcheck.client app 482
healthcheck.client Static Web App
adding 728-730
health-check.component.css 120, 121
health-check.component.ts 110, 111
constructor 116
dependency injection (DI) 113, 114
HttpClient 117
imports and modules 112
interfaces 118, 119
ngOnInit method 114, 115
observables 118
HealthCheck (HC) 580
health check responses 108
publishing 687
testing 698, 736, 737
HealthCheck.Server App Service
adding 730, 731
HealthCheck web application
testing 698, 699
HomeComponent, Angular app
dry run switch 84
spec.ts file, skipping 85
HOSTS file
tweaking 661, 662
installing 614
mutation 615, 617-621
Program.cs 621, 622
query 615
Serial attribute 616
subscription 615
UseFiltering attribute 616
UsePaging attribute 616
UseSorting attribute 616
HTML Living Standard 229
HTML select 319-324
HTTP/1.1 protocol
reference link 608
HttpClient 117, 397, 398
advantages 398
HTTP/HTTPS implementation standards 499
HttpInterceptors 556, 574
AppModule, updating 558
AuthInterceptor, implementing 556, 557
reference link 556
testing 558
HTTP port
setting up 45, 46
HTTP requests 224
logging 460
HTTP responses 224
HTTPS port
setting up 45, 46
HTTP status codes 108
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) 667
ICMPHealthCheck class
custom output message, implementing 106, 107
improving 104
middleware setup, updating 105, 106
output message, configuring 108
parameters and response messages, adding 104, 105
Identity API endpoints 508, 563
activating 563, 564
disadvantages 566, 567
testing 564-566
identity migration
adding 537
reference link 508
IIS application pool
configuring 695, 696
IIS Manager tool 697
defining 169, 170
index.html file
updating 578
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 170
inheritance 367
in-memory Web API package 148
Interactive Automatic rendering (IAR) 11
Interactive Server rendering (ISR) 11
Interactive WebAssembly rendering (CSR) 11
interfaces 118, 119
internal membership provider 507
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 164
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) request check 99
ICMPHealthCheck class, creating 100-102
ICMPHealthCheck middleware, adding 102, 103
outcomes 100
Internet Information Services (IIS)
configuring 691
healthcheck.client website entry, adding 691-693
HealthCheck.Server website entry, adding 693
reference link 684
TLS/SSL certificates 693, 694
Inversion of Control (IoC) 114, 519
ISO 3166 164
references 164
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 164
reference link 164
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 164
reference link 164
ISO 3166-1 numeric 164
Jasmine 481
testing with 483
Jasmine testing framework 465
JavaScript approaches
downsides 588
JavaScript Library Usage Distribution
references 12
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 224
conventions 225, 226
defaults 226
JavaScript source maps 439
reference link 720
JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) 499, 509
URL 509
Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler 10, 674
just-in-time (JIT) VM access
reference link 683
Karma 68, 481
configuring 715, 716
kitchen sink 389
launchSettings.json file 663, 664
lazy loading 168
Let’s Encrypt 573
reference link 663
LGPL to Polyform Noncommercial
reference link 208
LINQ 256, 257
alternative approach with 347, 348
Linux 154
Linux deployment 699
Linux VM
/var/www folder, creating 712
app, deploying with WinSCP 713
configuring 702
files, deploying to 711, 712
permissions, publishing 713
permissions, setting 712, 713
WorldCities publish folders, copying 714, 715
Linux VM on MS Azure
creating 700
DNS name label, adding 701
inbound security rules, setting 702
Linux VM, adding 700, 701
LiteXHealthChecks 137
Loading Related Data
reference link 169
local area network (LAN) 100
mapping, to database 186, 187
AppRoutingModule, updating 547
creating 544
login.component.html 545-547
login.component.scss 547
login.component.ts 544, 545
NavMenuComponent, updating 547
testing 548, 549
LoginRequest interface
adding 542
LoginResult interface
adding 542
accessing 460-462
managed cloud database
reference link 174
master/detail UI pattern 302
mat-error default behavior
reference link 330
pagination, adding with 237
MatTable 234
MatTable component 136
adding 127
AppModule, updating 127
NavMenuComponent HTML template, updating 127, 128
test run 128, 129
Microsoft signing key and repository
downloading 705
Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) library 395
applying, to database 537
data model, dropping 539
data model, recreating 539
existing data model, updating 538, 539
reference link 537
minification 439, 675
Minimal APIs 594
minimisation/minimization 439
mock CityService
adding 486, 487
alternative implementation, using interface approach 489
extending and overriding 487
fake service class 487
implementing 487-489
interface instance 487
spy 487
mocking 468
Model 384
ModelBuilder API 188
Model, creating and configuring
reference link 163
model-driven forms 298-301
model-driven validation 328
safe navigation operator 331
validators, adding in form 328-331
validators, testing 331, 332
model scaffolding 156
Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) 384
module resolution
reference link 112
Moq 468, 469
multi-page applications (MPAs) 28, 29
Multi-platform Application UI (MAUI) 9
multiple projects
secrets.json file, sharing between 197, 198
MVC6 3
N+1 problem 611
native web applications (NWAs) 28, 32
navigation link
adding 309
app-routing.module.ts 310
cities.component.html 310-312
navigator.onLine property 587
JavaScript approaches, downsides 588
NavMenuComponent 123
ng-connection-service npm package 588
AppComponent, updating 590
AppModule file, updating 589
service, installing 589
configuring 715, 716
configuring, for worldcities.client 722, 723
configuring, for WorldCities.Server 721, 722
HTTP connection, checking 706, 707
installing 705
starting up 706
nginx.conf file
updating 723, 724
NgModules 73, 74
reference link 113
ngOnInit method 114, 115
ngsw-config.json file
adding 584, 585
Node.js 68
Node Package Manager (npm) configuration file 67, 78
non-development environment 666
npmJS syntax 68
Nsubstitute NuGet package 468
NuGet packages
installing 458
OAuth 2 506
OAuth-based social login 504
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) 367, 465
Object Relational Mapper (ORM) 151
Observables 118
alternatives methods, for unsubscribing 452-454
takeUntil() operator 451, 452
unsubscribe, determining 455
unsubscribe() method 449, 450
unsubscribing 449
offline loading 574
offline mode 574
on-demand caching strategy 585
On-stack Replacement (OSR) 10
OpenAPI 63-66
OpenAPI Specification (OAS) 63
OpenID 504
working 504
OpenID Connect (OIDC) 504, 505
references 505
OpenSSL tool
reference link 717
Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) 668
Oracle XE 158
Outlook Web Access (OWA) 394
output window, backend debugging 427, 428
configuring 432
LogLevel, testing 429-432
LogLevel types 428, 429
over-fetching 611
reference link 68
Package Manager Console 256
adding, with MatPaginatorModule 237
client-side paging 238-241
reference link 617
server-side paging 241
pipes, using to transform data
reference link 444
Platform as a Service (PaaS) 170
polyfills 675
PolyForm Noncommercial License 1.0.0
reference link 208
polymorphism 367
app, preparing 660
production environments 665
production mode 674
product owner expectations 32, 33
adaptability 34
early releases 33
fast completion 33
GUI over back-end 33
product repository
registering 705
Program.cs file 57-60
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) 28, 30, 571
capabilities, testing 598
distinctive features 572, 573
installing 602, 603
offline status, handling 587
technical baseline criteria 31
technical features 30
testing out 599-602
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), capabilities
app, compiling 598
http-server, installing 598, 599
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), distinctive features
@angular/service-worker 575
offline loading 574
secure origin feature, implementing 573
service workers versus HttpInterceptors 574
versus third-party providers 506, 507
proprietary authorization 505
Proprietary auth with ASP.NET Core 507-509
Protractor 481
PuTTY 702
URL 702
PWA, offline status
api/heartbeat endpoint, adding 593
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) 594-596
navigator.onLine property 587
ng-connection-service npm package 588
window’s ononline/onoffline event 587
PWA requirements
automatic installation 585, 586
implementing 576
manual installation 576
PWA requirements, automatic installation
Angular PNG icon set 586
PWA requirements, manual installation
@angular/service-worker npm package, adding 577
angular.json file, updating 577
favicon, adding 583, 584
index.html file, updating 578
ngsw-config.json file, adding 584, 585
ServiceWorkerModule, importing 578
Web App Manifest file, adding 579-582
Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) library 118, 396
reference link 118
Reactive Forms 298, 301
building 301
navigation link, adding 309
ReactiveFormsModule 302
reference link 301
real-time HTTP 640, 641
URL 345
regression bugs 611
Cities property, adding to Country entity class 167
Country property, adding to City entity class 166, 167
defining 166
Representational State Transfer (REST) 607-609
constraints, guiding 609, 610
drawbacks 610, 611
versus GraphQL 608
required modifier
reference link 162
Response Time values 653, 656
RESTful 610
root files 66, 67
angular.json 67
package.json 67, 68
tsconfig.json 71
workspace-level files 72
root module 74
Roslyn 3
Route Guards 558, 559
AppRoutingModule, updating 561
AuthGuard, implementing 560, 561
availability in Angular 559, 560
runtime environments 665
appsettings.Production.json file(s), updating 669
environment, setting in production 669
error handling techniques 666, 667
rule(s) of thumb 668, 669
safe navigation operator 331
reference link 331
Safe storage of app secrets in development in ASP.NET Core
reference link 195
same-origin policy 595
SameSite cookie specification 501
Sass 129, 130
CSS code sample 130, 131
CSS history 130
need for 131, 132
SCP, using to move files to and from VM
reference link 702
reference link 34
secrets.json file
adding 195-197
sharing, between multiple projects 197, 198
working with 198, 199
Secrets Storage 195
Secure Copy (SCP) 702
secure origin feature
implementing 573
Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) 717
references 717
CreateDefaultUsers() method, implementing 529-532
CreateDefaultUsers() unit test, defining 524
implementing 206, 207
RoleManager, adding through DI 522
unit test, rerunning 532, 533
updating 522
UserManager, adding through DI 522, 523
self-contained deployment (SCD) 671, 672
advantages 672
disadvantages 672
self-signed SSL certificate
creating 694, 695, 716
SELinux-protected kernels
task for 717
semantic versioning (SemVer) 14
Separation of Concerns (SoC) 130, 384
configuring 458-460
reference link 462
server push 640, 641
server-side paging 241
ApiResult 243-247
CitiesComponent 247-250
CitiesController 241, 242
server-side validation 333-335
importing 578
Session-Based Authentication Flow 500
session cookies
disadvantages 500, 501
SignalR 641
connections 642
disadvantages 643
groups 642
Hubs 641
implementing 642
projects, testing 652, 653
protocols 641
tasks, to achieve result 643
user 642
SignalR, in Angular
health-check.component.html 651, 652
HealthCheckComponent, refactoring 650
health-check.component.ts 650, 651
HealthCheckService, implementing 647-649
installing 646
npm package, adding 646
WebSocket support, adding to Angular proxy 649, 650
SignalR, in ASP.NET Core
broadcast message, adding 644
HealthCheckHub, creating 643
middleware, setting up 644
services, setting up 644
setting up 643
signature-based authentication 503
Single-Page Application (SPA) 28, 29, 117, 499, 571
key features 30
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) 389
adding 251
reference link 617
sorting, with MatSortModule 251
Angular app, updating 261
ApiResult, extending 251, 255
CitiesController, updating 260, 261
System.Linq.Dynamic.Core, installing 256
Source Code Management (SCM) 35
source IP address 683
SPA project
example 34, 35
SQL database 173, 174
setting up 174-177
WorldCities login, adding 185
SQL Database instance
configuring 178-182
SQL database on Azure
creating 173
SQL injection
preventing 258, 259
SQL Managed Instance 173, 174
SQL Server
download link 171
SQL Server 2022
installing 171-173
SQL Server alternatives 154
SQL Server Data Provider 153
DBMS licensing models 154
for Linux 154
SQL Server Express 171
SQL Server instance
database management tool(s), installing 173
obtaining 170, 171
SQL Server Linux installation guide
reference link 711
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 172, 183, 538
download link 173
SQL Server on Linux
installation link 172
SQL Server on Windows
installation link 172
SQL Server on Windows virtual machine
reference link 174
SQL virtual machine 174
SSH 702
SSH access 573
SSL folder permissions
setting 717
Stack Overflow
reference link 60
staging 665
staging environment 668
standard testing development (STD) 470
startConnection 649
startup project
setting up 46-48
Static Server rendering (SSR) 11
static web apps
reference link 730
StyleCop 165
subclass 367
Swagger 59, 63
Swashbuckle 64
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore NuGet package 64
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger 64
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen 64
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI 64
Swiss Army knives
downsides 388, 389
sync validators 328
systemd service
configuring 718-720
benefits 257
drawbacks 257
installing 256
restyling 135, 136
template-driven forms 297-300
advantages 298
disadvantages 298
reference link 298
template-driven validation 327, 328
reference link 328
temporal domination 12
TestBed interface 482
Test-Driven Development (TDD) 465, 478, 479, 524, 668
test run
performing 48
troubleshooting 51
third-party authentication 504
OpenID 504
OpenID Connect (OIDC) 504, 505
OpenID, working 504
third-party authorization 506
third-party providers
versus proprietary 506, 507
reference link 359
throttling 356, 359
Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) algorithm 503
reference link 503
TLS/SSL certificates 693, 694
TLS/SSL certificates in Azure App Service
reference link 663
token-based authentication 501, 502
reference link 20
tsconfig.json file structure
reference link 20
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 503
reference link 503
TypeScript 66
TypeScript 3.7
reference link 331
TypeScript compiler (TSC) 71
TypeScript configuration
reference link 72
TypeScript modules
reference link 112
type variables 403
uglification 675
UI, authStatus observable
AppComponent 554
NavMenuComponent 552, 553
updating 551
UI component framework
Angular Material 125
MatToolbar, adding 127
restyling 124
Sass 129
unauthorized access prevention
reference link 560
unit testing 465
Unsubscribe RxJS Observables In Angular Applications
reference link 455
updateData 649
up-front caching strategy 585
user experience (UX) 574
user interface (UI) 456
reference link 329
variable scoping 114
ViewModel 384
virtual machine (VM)
connecting to 703, 704
Visual Studio JavaScript debugging 437, 438
Visual Studio publish profiles 688
Visual Studio Test Explorer
used, for executing test 475, 476
waterfall model
reference link 34
WeatherForecastController 62, 63
Web API backend for SPAs, securing
reference link 566
web app 456
serving, avoidance with Kestrel directly 720, 721
web application project
.NET 8 SDK, installing 38
Angular CLI, installing 39
Angular project, creating 39
architecture overview 51, 52
ASP.NET Core project, creating 39
broken code 36
Node.js, installing 39
problem solving 37
SDK version, checking 39
setting up 37, 38
test run, performing 48
Web App Manifest file
adding 579-582
publishing 582
web browser 50, 51
web server 300, 301
wide area network (WAN) 100
Windows deployment 677
Windows Firewall, configuring to allow SQL Server access
reference link 711
Windows HOSTS file
reference link 661
window’s ononline/onoffline event 587
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 5
Windows Server VM on MS Azure
creating 677
DNS name label, configuring 682
inbound security rules, setting 682, 683
MS Azure portal, accessing 677
Windows VM, adding 678-681
Windows VM
ASP.NET Core Windows hosting bundle, installing 686, 687
configuring 683, 684
IIS web server, adding 684-686
reference link 712
workspace API 67
testing 724, 725
troubleshooting 726
Nginx, configuring for 722, 723
publishing 708
worldcities.client app 482
WorldCities database
creating 184, 185
WorldCities login
adding 185
raw SQL commands, using 185
SSMS GUI, using 185
Nginx, configuring for 721, 722
publishing 708
testing 724, 725
troubleshooting 726
WorldCities.Server app
building 709
database connection string, checking 710, 711
Forwarded Headers Middleware, adding 710
WorldCities.Server project 149
WorldCities.Server.Tests project
creating 466, 467
dependency reference, adding 469
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory 469
Moq 468, 469
WorldCities web application 142, 363
[JsonIgnore] attribute 386-388
[NotMapped] attribute 386-388
Angular app, updating 143, 144
Angular front-end updates 380-383, 391-393
AppModule 405, 406
ASP.NET Core app, updating 143
BaseFormComponent, implementing 367, 368
base-form.component.ts 373, 374
BaseService, creating 400, 401
bug fixes and improvements 371
CitiesComponent 406-408
CitiesController 390, 391
CityEditComponent 408, 409
CityEditComponent, extending 370, 371
city-edit.component.html 374-376
city-edit.component.ts 371-373
CityService, creating 403-405
CityService, implementing 405
common interface methods, adding 401, 402
CountriesComponent 414
CountriesController 377-379
CountryDTO class, creating 379, 380
CountryEditComponent 416-418
CountryEditComponent, extending 369, 370
country name, adding 390
CountryService, creating 412-414
data server, using reasons 148, 149
DTO classes 383, 384
form validation shortcuts 365, 366
lat and lon, validating 371
loadCountries and isDupeCity, implementing in CityService 410-412
minimal UI restyling 144-148
number of cities, adding 376, 377
template improvements 364
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 130, 395
World Wide Web (WWW) 497
XMLHttpRequest (XHR) 295, 394-396 testing tool 465
Yarn 72
URL 72
reference link 663
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