In the first chapter, we briefly explored how to put a presentation together and publish it; however, Articulate Presenter has much more capability than what we've already explored. So now we're going to start exploring what you can really do with Articulate Presenter.
Please keep in mind that we will be using the capability of PowerPoint, just as we did in the last chapter. However, we are not going to use PowerPoint for inserting any media files into the presentation; instead, we'll insert them via Articulate. In this chapter you'll learn how to do this.
Everything you will need to access for creating your final Articulate Flash video presentation is on the Articulate ribbon in PowerPoint. Here you will find the necessary tools for creating the player skin, inserting media into the presentation, and establishing your presentation's defaults. You will also be telling the presentation how to play, what to allow the viewer or learner to do, and creating any narration to go with...