II.1 Introduction and Goals
This section will explain the driving forces for architecturally relevant decisions and important use cases or features, all of which will be summarized in a few sentences. If possible, refer to the existing requirements documentation.
The main goal of this section is to ensure that your stakeholders understand the solution at hand.
HtmlSanityCheck (HtmlSC) supports authors creating digital formats by checking hyperlinks, images, and similar resources.
1.1 Requirements Overview
If you would like to have a brief explanation of the important goals and requirements, use cases, and features of the system, please refer to the existing requirements documentation.
It's important that you understand the central tasks of the system before you take a look at the architecture of the system (starting with arc42-section 3).
The overall goal of HtmlSC is to create neat and clear reports that show errors within HTML files. The following is a sample report: