Router configuration
The router configuration defines all the potential router states of the application. Let's look at an example:
[ { path: ':folder', children: [ { path: '', component: ConversationsCmp }, { path: ':id', component: ConversationCmp, children: [ { path: 'messages', component: MessagesCmp }, { path: 'messages/:id', component: MessageCmp } ] } ] }, { path: 'compose', component: ComposeCmp, outlet: 'popup' }, { path: 'message/:id', component: PopupMessageCmp, outlet: 'popup' } ]
Don't worry about understanding all the details. I will cover them in later chapters. For now, let's depict the configuration as follows:

As you can see the router configuration is a tree, with every node representing a route. Some nodes have components associated with them, some do not. We also use color to designate different outlets, where an outlet is a location in the component tree where a component is placed.