56.5 Building the App
Load the activity_main.xml file for the project into the Layout Editor tool. Select the default TextView component and change the ID for the view to myTextView in the Properties tool window.
Add a Button view to the user interface positioned directly beneath the existing TextView object as illustrated in Figure 56-1. Once the button has been added, click on the Infer Constraints button in the toolbar to add the missing constraints.
Change the text to “Press Me” and extract the string to a resource named press_me. With the button view still selected in the layout, locate the onClick property and enter buttonClick as the method name.
Figure 56-1
Next, load the MainActivity.java file into an editing panel and add code for the buttonClick() method which will be called when the Button view is tapped by the user. Since the goal here is to demonstrate the problem of performing lengthy tasks on the main thread, the code will simply pause...