Chapter 1, What Is Alexa?, is an introductory chapter that does not require any coding skills. We discuss how intelligent voice-activated personal assistants are evolving from just being passively present in mobile phones to becoming a permanent fixture in common households in the form of dedicated hardware devices.
Chapter 2, Hello World, Alexa!, will introduce the reader to the process of creating skills for Alexa and will explain how to create a basic Hello World Alexa skill.
Chapter 3, Hands-Free Experience with Alexa, will introduce a new way of sending messages using Alexa, that is, the hands-free way.
Chapter 4, Let’s Play Factly with Alexa, will create a game called Factly as an Alexa skill. We will also add persistence to it using DynamoDB.
Chapter 5, Making Alexa Talk about CryptoCurrencies, will demonstrate how Alexa can provide the latest cryptocurrency updates. The user will create an Alexa skill that can fetch the current prices of the latest cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Chapter 6, Home Automation with Alexa, will demonstrate how Alexa can integrate with other IoT devices and create the foundation of a smart home. The user will create a Weather Monitor Alexa skill that can inform the user about the climate (temperature/humidity/light) in the home.
Chapter 7, Future of Voice-Based Personal Assistants, will talk about the future of the intelligent voice-based personal assistants.