Creating effective ads
Your ad text is the only part of your account that users see. It is your opportunity to convey what you offer and why your website is worth taking a look at. However, the amount of space available for you to write your message in AdWords is limited, so you need to be careful in choosing what to communicate.
Getting ready
First, research your competition to understand how your pricing and special offers compare. Next, make a list of all of your most compelling product or service features you'd like to highlight.
Keep in mind the following five ad copy best practices:
Use your keywords in your ad text, ideally in your headline. When you use keywords in your ad text, they are made bold by Google, making the ad stand out more.
Prequalify your products or services, so your visitors know what to expect when they click on your ads. While attracting new visitors is important, you also do not want to pay for clicks that will not convert. Here are some ways you can ensure the right...