Excluding IP addresses from seeing your ads
Are you worried that competitors are clicking on your ads? The good news is that AdWords offers a comprehensive click-fraud system that will in most cases filter out those clicks from your bill. However, you can also exclude competitors and other suspicious IPs from seeing your ads to further protect yourself.
Getting ready
AdWords does not provide IP address data for impressions and clicks you receive. However, you can get this information from your web logs.
How to do it...
To exclude specific IP addresses:
Go to the Campaigns tab.
Go to the Settings tab of a specific campaign you'd like to add IP exclusions to.
Scroll down to the Advanced Settings until you see + IP exclusions and click to expand this section.
Click on the Edit link.
Enter one IP address you'd like excluded per line.
Click on Save.
How it works...
IP address exclusion in AdWords blocks your ads from showing on related computers and networks. You can exclude up to 500 addresses.
Be careful...