- Active Session History (ASH) / In-Memory Advisor
- American National Standard Institute (ANSI) / IDENTITY columns
- archive logs / Database consolidation and the new Multitenant architecture
- associative aarays
- about / Collection types
- associative arrays
- about / Associative arrays
- features / Associative arrays
- Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)
- about / SQL Developer 4.0 and 4.1 New Features
- Automatic Segment Space Management (ASSM) / Deduplication and compression
- Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) / In-Memory Advisor
- BasicFiles
- migrating, to SecureFiles / Migrating BasicFiles to SecureFiles
- binaries, SQL Developer
- URL, for downloading / Getting started with SQL Developer
- Binary Large Object (BLOB) / BLOB and CLOB
- Buffer Cache
- versus Result Cache / Result Cache versus Buffer Cache
- bulk binding / FORALL
- bulk processing, in PL/SQL
- about / Bulk processing in PL/SQL
- FORALL and exception handling / FORALL and exception handling
- Character Large Object (CLOB) / BLOB and CLOB
- collection
- overview / Introduction to collections
- non-persistent collection / Introduction to collections
- persistent collection / Introduction to collections
- types / Collection types
- associative array / Collection types
- nested table / Collection types
- varray / Collection types
- collection methods, PL/SQL
- about / PL/SQL collection methods
- EXISTS function / EXISTS
- COUNT function / COUNT
- LIMIT function / LIMIT
- FIRST function / FIRST and LAST
- Last function / FIRST and LAST
- PRIOR function / PRIOR and NEXT
- NEXT function / PRIOR and NEXT
- EXTEND function / EXTEND
- TRIM function / TRIM
- DELETE function / DELETE
- collection types
- comparing / Comparing the collection types
- selecting / Selecting the appropriate collection type
- compilation mode
- selecting / Selecting the appropriate compilation mode
- setting / Setting the compilation mode
- settings, querying / Querying the compilation settings
- COUNT function / COUNT
- cursor attributes
- %ROWCOUNT / Cursor attributes, Cursor attributes
- %ISOPEN / Cursor attributes, Cursor attributes
- %FOUND / Cursor attributes, Cursor attributes
- %NOTFOUND / Cursor attributes, Cursor attributes
- about / Cursor attributes
- cursor execution cycle
- about / Cursor execution cycle
- cursor execution cycle, stages
- OPEN / Cursor execution cycle
- PARSE / Cursor execution cycle
- BIND / Cursor execution cycle
- EXECUTE / Cursor execution cycle
- FETCH / Cursor execution cycle
- CLOSE / Cursor execution cycle
- cursors
- about / Cursors – an overview
- execution cycle / The cursor execution cycle
- cursor attributes / Cursor attributes
- Cursor FOR loop / Cursor FOR loop
- cursor structures
- about / Cursor structures
- implicit cursors / Cursor structures, Implicit cursors
- explicit cursors / Cursor structures, Explicit cursors
- cursor execution cycle / Cursor execution cycle
- cursor variables
- about / Cursor variables
- weak ref cursor, types / Strong and weak ref cursor types
- strong ref cursor, types / Strong and weak ref cursor types
- working with / Working with cursor variables
- as arguments / Cursor variables as arguments
- restrictions / Cursor variables – restrictions
- cursor design, considerations / Cursor design considerations
- cursor design, guidelines / Cursor design–guidelines
- database connection
- creating / Creating a database connection
- database consolidation
- about / Database consolidation and the new Multitenant architecture
- database dependency
- managing / Managing database dependencies
- direct / Managing database dependencies
- indirect / Managing database dependencies
- direct dependency, displaying / Displaying the direct and indirect dependencies
- indirect dependency, displaying / Displaying the direct and indirect dependencies
- metadata / Dependency metadata
- issues / Dependency issues and enhancements
- enhancement / Dependency issues and enhancements
- Database In-Memory
- versus Result Cache / Result Cache versus Oracle 12c Database In-Memory
- database resource manager (DBRM) / CDB Resource Management
- Database Utilities option
- Database Copy / Database Utilities
- Database Diff / Database Utilities
- Database Export / Database Utilities
- Migration / Database Utilities
- SQL Monitor / Database Utilities
- Data Modeler
- about / The Data Modeler
- DBMS_ASSERT subprogram
- used, for sanitizing inputs / Sanitizing inputs using DBMS_ASSERT
- unquoted identifier / Unquoted identifiers
- quoted identifier / Quoted identifiers
- literal / Literals
- limitations / DBMS_ASSERT – limitations
- DBMS_HPROF package
- about / The DBMS_HPROF package
- and DBMS_PROFILER, differences / Differences between DBMS_PROFILER and DBMS_HPROF
- subprograms / DBMS_HPROF subprograms
- Data Collector / DBMS_HPROF subprograms
- Analyzer / DBMS_HPROF subprograms
- DBMS_LOB package
- about / The DBMS_LOB package
- DBMS_LOB constants / The DBMS_LOB constants
- DBMS_LOB data types / The DBMS_LOB data types
- DBMS_LOB subprograms / The DBMS_LOB subprograms
- about / The DBMS_METADATA package
- data types / DBMS_METADATA data types and subprograms
- URL / DBMS_METADATA data types and subprograms
- subprograms / DBMS_METADATA data types and subprograms
- transformation parameters / The DBMS_METADATA transformation parameters and filters
- filters / The DBMS_METADATA transformation parameters and filters
- demonstration / Demonstration
- about / The DBMS_RESULT_CACHE package
- result cache memory report, displaying / Displaying the result cache memory report
- Oracle Database 12c enhancements, to PL/SQL function cache / Oracle Database 12c enhancements to the PL/SQL function Result Cache
- DBMS_TRACE package
- installing / Installing the DBMS_TRACE package
- subprograms / DBMS_TRACE subprograms
- DBMS_TRACE subprograms
- URL / DBMS_TRACE subprograms
- dead code
- about / Case 2: When PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL = 1
- dense collection / Nested tables
- dynamic linked library (DLL) / External Procedures, Native and interpreted compilation techniques
- Early Adopter binaries, SQLcl
- URL / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- environment setup, external procedures
- exception handling
- about / Exception handling in PL/SQL
- system-defined exceptions / System-defined exceptions
- user-defined exceptions / User-defined exceptions
- exception propagation / Exception propagation
- EXISTS function / EXISTS
- explicit cursors / Cursors – an overview, Cursor structures
- about / Explicit cursors
- EXTEND function / EXTEND
- external C programs
- executing, from PL/SQL / Executing external C programs from PL/SQL
- external LOB / External LOB
- external procedures
- about / Overview of External Procedures, External Procedures
- execution flow, components / Components of external procedure execution flow
- extproc agent / The extproc agent
- library object / The Library object
- callout / Callout and Callback
- callback / Callout and Callback
- call specification / Call Specification
- executing / How an External Procedure executes
- environment setup / Environment setup
- securing, with Oracle database 12c / Securing External Procedures with Oracle Database 12c
- extproc agent, external procedures / The extproc agent
- features, SQL Developer
- about / Core features of SQL Developer
- Object Browser / Object Browser
- PL/SQL Editor and Debugger / PL/SQL Editor and Debugger
- Data Modeler / The Data Modeler
- SQL Developer reports / SQL Developer reports
- version control / Version control
- SQL Translation Framework / The SQL Translation Framework
- FETCH FIRST clause / Row limiting using FETCH FIRST
- Fine-grained access control (FGAC)
- about / Fine-Grained Access Control
- working / How FGAC works
- Fine Grained Dependency (FGD) / Dependency issues and enhancements
- FIRST function / FIRST and LAST
- and exception handling / FORALL and exception handling
- functionalities, SQL worksheet
- Save Grid as Report / Using the SQL worksheet
- Single Record View / Using the SQL worksheet
- Count Rows / Using the SQL worksheet
- Find/Highlight / Using the SQL worksheet
- Publish to APEX / Using the SQL worksheet
- Export / Using the SQL worksheet
- functions
- about / Functions
- features / Functions
- execution methods / Functions – execution methods
- calling from SQL expressions, restrictions / Restrictions on calling functions from SQL expressions
- icons, SQL worksheet
- Run Statement / Using the SQL worksheet
- identifier types
- determining / Determining identifier types and usages
- PL/Scope tool / The PL/Scope tool
- implicit cursors / Cursors – an overview
- about / Cursor structures, Implicit cursors
- implicit data type conversion
- avoiding / Avoiding an implicit data type conversion
- In-Database Archiving / In-Database Archiving
- In-Memory Database Cache (IMDB)
- versus Result Cache / Result Cache versus In-Memory Database Cache
- index-organized table (IOT) / Nested table in an index - organized table
- injection / What is SQL injection?
- interpreted compilation
- program unit, comparing / Compiling a program unit for native or interpreted compilation
- IPC (Internet Procedure Calls) / TNSNAMES.ora
- Java Development Kit (JDK) / Getting started with SQL Developer
- Java programs, executing from PL/SQL
- about / Executing Java programs from PL/SQL
- Java class, loading into database / Loading a Java class into a database
- Java class, executing from Oracle PL/SQL unit / Steps to execute a Java class from an Oracle PL/SQL unit
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE) / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- 32K VARCHAR2 / Support for 32K VARCHAR2
- key features and commands, SQLcl
- database connection / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- Object-name/Command completion / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- multiline edits / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- CD / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- CTAS / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- DDL / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- SQLFORMAT / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- SQL history / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- INFORMATION / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- LAST function / FIRST and LAST
- library object, external procedures / The Library object
- Libunits / Executing Java programs from PL/SQL
- LIMIT function / LIMIT
- LOBs
- about / Introduction to Large Objects
- security / Introduction to Large Objects
- datatypes, classifying / Classification of Large Object datatypes
- internal LOB / Internal LOB
- temporary LOB / Persistent and Temporary LOB
- permanent LOB / Persistent and Temporary LOB
- external LOB / External LOB
- restrictions / LOB restrictions
- locator / The LOB locator
- instance initialization / LOB instance initialization
- DBMS_LOB package / The DBMS_LOB package
- usage notes / LOB usage notes
- working with / Working with LOBs
- metadata / LOB metadata
- SecureFile advanced features, securing / Enabling the advanced features of a SecureFile
- data, populating / Populating the LOB data
- temporary LOB operations / Temporary LOB operations, Managing temporary LOBs
- LONG, migrating to / Migrating LONG to LOBs
- LOBs, data types
- about / LOB data types in Oracle
- Binary Large Object (BLOB) / BLOB and CLOB
- Character Large Object (CLOB) / BLOB and CLOB
- local user / Common users and local users
- LONG, migrating to LOBs
- ALTER TABLE command, using / Use the ALTER TABLE command
- TO_LOB function, using / Using the TO_LOB function
- Online Table Redefinition / Online Table Redefinition
- LRU (Least Recently Used) / What is the Server Result Cache?
- machine code (M-code)
- about / The PL/SQL Compiler
- native compilation
- about / Native and interpreted compilation techniques
- program unit, comparing / Compiling a program unit for native or interpreted compilation
- nested table
- about / Collection types, Nested tables
- object type, modifying / Modify and drop a nested table object type
- object type, dropping / Modify and drop a nested table object type
- design considerations / Design considerations of a nested table
- storage / Nested table storage
- in index organized table / Nested table in an index - organized table
- locators / Nested table locators
- as schema object / Nested table as the schema object
- type column, operations / Operations on a nested table type column
- instance, creating / Create a nested table instance
- column, querying / Querying a nested table column
- collection type, in PL/SQL / Nested table collection type in PL/SQL
- collection, initialization / Collection initialization
- metadata, querying / Querying the nested table metadata
- NEXT function / PRIOR and NEXT
- NOT NULL constraint
- about / Understanding the NOT NULL constraint
- Object Browser
- about / Object Browser
- OCI (Oracle Call Interface) / OCI Client results cache
- OCI Client results cache
- about / OCI Client results cache
- parameters / OCI Client results cache
- Oracle-supplied packages
- reviewing / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_ALERT / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_LOCK / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_SESSION / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_OUTPUT / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_HTTP / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- UTL_FILE / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- UTL_MAIL / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_SCHEDULER / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_REDACT / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_DATAPUMP / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_PDB / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_SQL / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_REDEFINITON / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- DBMS_UTILITY / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- categorizing / Reviewing Oracle-supplied packages
- Oracle 11g / Multitenant for Consolidation
- Oracle 12c container database (CDB)
- about / Database consolidation and the new Multitenant architecture
- Oracle 12c SQL and PL/SQL, features
- about / Oracle 12c SQL and PL/SQL new features
- IDENTITY columns / IDENTITY columns
- column value, to sequence in Oracle 12c / Default column value to a sequence in Oracle 12c
- 32K VARCHAR2, support for / Support for 32K VARCHAR2
- Row limiting, FETCH FIRST used / Row limiting using FETCH FIRST
- invisible columns / Invisible columns
- temporal databases / Temporal databases
- In-Database Archiving / In-Database Archiving
- Oracle Advanced Security / Oracle Database Security overview
- Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (AVDF)
- about / Oracle Database Security overview
- Oracle database 11g Real native compilation
- about / Oracle Database 11g Real Native Compilation
- Oracle Database 11g result cache
- about / Oracle Database 11g Result Cache
- Server Result Cache / What is the Server Result Cache?
- Server Result Cache, configuring / Configuring the Server Result Cache
- Result Cache, versus Buffer Cache / Result Cache versus Buffer Cache
- Result Cache, versus Database In-Memory / Result Cache versus Oracle 12c Database In-Memory
- Result Cache, versus In-Memory Database Cache (IMDB) / Result Cache versus In-Memory Database Cache
- Oracle Database 12c
- implicit statement results / Implicit statement results in Oracle Database 12c
- enhancements, to collections / Oracle 12c enhancements to collections
- Oracle database 12c
- external procedures, securing with / Securing External Procedures with Oracle Database 12c
- Oracle Database 12c (, In-Memory option
- about / The Oracle Database 12c ( In-Memory option
- challenge / The challenge
- and problem statement / The problem statement and Oracle Database 12c In-Memory
- features / Oracle Database 12c In-Memory option features
- architecture / The Oracle Database 12c In-Memory Architecture
- store, controlling / Controlling the In-Memory column store
- INMEMORY clause / The INMEMORY clause
- performance optimizations / Performance optimizations
- In-Memory Advisor / In-Memory Advisor
- Oracle Database In-Memory benefits / Oracle Database In-Memory benefits
- Oracle database 12c Data Redaction
- about / Oracle Database 12c Data Redaction
- features / Data Redaction exemptions and miscellaneous features
- function types / Data Redaction function types
- demonstration / Demonstration
- metadata / The Data Redaction metadata
- Oracle Database 12c enhancements
- to PL/SQL subprograms / Oracle Database 12c enhancements to PL/SQL subprograms
- Oracle Database 12c multitenant architecture, features
- about / The Oracle Database 12c Multitenant architecture – features
- multitenant for consolidation / Multitenant for Consolidation
- plug/unplug / Plug/unplug
- manage many as one / Manage Many as One
- rapid provisioning / Rapid provisioning
- CDB resource management / CDB Resource Management
- common users / Common users and local users
- Oracle database 12c security, enhancements
- about / Oracle Database 12c Security enhancements, Oracle Database 12c Data Redaction
- Oracle Database Online Documentation 12c Release 1 (12.1)/Database Administration
- URL / The DBMS_LOB package
- Oracle database security
- about / Oracle Database Security overview
- Oracle database Vault
- about / Oracle Database Security overview
- Oracle Key Vault (OKV)
- about / Oracle Database Security overview
- Oracle SecureFiles
- deduplication / Deduplication and compression
- compression / Deduplication and compression
- file system logging / File System Logging
- Write Gather Cache (WGC) / Write Gather Cache
- free space management / Free space management
- and BasicFiles / BasicFiles and SecureFiles
- db_securefile parameter / The db_securefile parameter
- Oracle SQL Developer
- about / Oracle SQL Developer
- for DBA / Oracle SQL Developer for DBA, Developers, and Application Architects
- for developers / Oracle SQL Developer for DBA, Developers, and Application Architects
- for application architects / Oracle SQL Developer for DBA, Developers, and Application Architects
- SQL Developer 4.0 / SQL Developer 4.0
- Oracle SQL Developer Exchange program
- URL / Key differentiators
- Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) / Oracle Database Security overview
- persistent LOB / Persistent and Temporary LOB
- PGA (Process Global Area) / Differences between Result Cache and other caching techniques
- PL/Scope tool
- about / The PL/Scope tool
- about / Introduction to PL/SQL
- advantages / Introduction to PL/SQL
- accomplishments / Introduction to PL/SQL
- program, fundamentals / PL/SQL program fundamentals
- block / PL/SQL program fundamentals
- exception handling / Exception handling in PL/SQL
- enhancements / Miscellaneous PL/SQL enhancements
- collection methods / PL/SQL collection methods
- external C programs, executing / Executing external C programs from PL/SQL
- Java programs, executing / Executing Java programs from PL/SQL
- bulk processing / Bulk processing in PL/SQL
- PL/SQL block
- anonymous PL/SQL block / PL/SQL program fundamentals
- named / PL/SQL program fundamentals
- nested / PL/SQL program fundamentals
- PL/SQL code
- tuning / Tuning PL/SQL code
- secure applications building, bind variables used / Build secure applications using bind variables
- parameters, calling by reference / Call parameters by reference
- implicit data type conversion, avoiding / Avoiding an implicit data type conversion
- NOT NULL constraint / Understanding the NOT NULL constraint
- numeric data type, selecting / Selection of an appropriate numeric data type
- PL/SQL code, designing
- cursor structures / Cursor structures
- cursor variables / Cursor variables
- subtypes / Subtypes
- PL/SQL code, profiling
- about / Profiling PL/SQL code
- DBMS_HPROF package / The DBMS_HPROF package
- raw profile data, collecting / Collecting raw profile data
- profiler data, analyzing / Analyzing profiler data
- plshprof utility / The plshprof utility
- PL/SQL coding information, tracking
- about / Tracking PL/SQL coding information
- DBMS_DESCRIBE package / The DBMS_DESCRIBE package
- program execution subprogram call stack, tracking / Tracking the program execution subprogram call stack
- propagating exceptions in PL/SQL code, tracking / Tracking propagating exceptions in PL/SQL code
- PL/SQL compiler
- about / The PL/SQL Compiler
- subprogram inlining / Subprogram inlining in PL/SQL
- PL/SQL Editor and Debugger
- about / PL/SQL Editor and Debugger
- PL/SQL function result cache
- about / PL/SQL Function Result Cache, Does it sound similar to deterministic functions?
- and other caching techniques, differences / Differences between Result Cache and other caching techniques
- illustration / Illustration
- monitoring / Monitoring the PL/SQL Result Cache
- invalidation / Invalidation of the PL/SQL Result Cache
- limitations / Limitation
- PL/SQL interpreted compilation
- database, recompiling / Recompiling a database for a PL/SQL native or interpreted compilation
- PL/SQL native compilation
- database, recompiling / Recompiling a database for a PL/SQL native or interpreted compilation
- PL/SQL package
- about / A PL/SQL package
- PL/SQL program
- unit white listing / The PL/SQL program unit white listing
- PL/SQL programs
- sample / A sample PL/SQL program
- tracing, DBMS_TRACE used / Tracing PL/SQL programs using DBMS_TRACE
- DBMS_TRACE package, installing / Installing the DBMS_TRACE package
- DBMS_TRACE subprograms / DBMS_TRACE subprograms
- compiling, for debugging / Compiling a PL/SQL program for debugging
- PL/SQL trace information, viewing / Viewing the PL/SQL trace information
- execution, tracing / Steps to trace PL/SQL program execution
- profiling / Profiling PL/SQL code
- PL/SQL program units
- roles, granting / Granting roles to PL/SQL program units
- test setup / Test setup
- PL/SQL subprogram
- defining, in SELECT query / Defining a PL/SQL subprogram in the SELECT query and PRAGMA UDF
- defining, in PRAGMA UDF / Defining a PL/SQL subprogram in the SELECT query and PRAGMA UDF
- test setup / Test setup
- comparative analysis / Comparative analysis
- PL/SQL virtual machine (PVM) / Native and interpreted compilation techniques
- plshprof utility
- about / The plshprof utility
- reports, exploring / What do these reports reveal?
- cases / Case 1: When PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL = 0, Case 2: When PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL = 1, Case 3: When PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL = 2, Case 4: When PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL = 3
- pluggable database (PDB)
- about / Database consolidation and the new Multitenant architecture
- pluggable databases
- about / Database consolidation and the new Multitenant architecture
- PRIOR function / PRIOR and NEXT
- profiler data
- analyzing / Analyzing profiler data
- profiler tables, creating / Creating the profiler tables
- profiler output, analyzing / Analyzing the profiler output
- profiler tables, querying / Querying the profiler tables
- RAC (Real Application Clusters)
- features / Result cache in Real Application Clusters
- raw profile data
- collecting / Collecting raw profile data
- interpreting / Interpreting the raw profiler data
- Real Application Cluster (RAC) / Native and interpreted compilation techniques
- Real Application Clusters (RAC)
- result cache / Result cache in Real Application Clusters
- Real Application Security (RAS)
- about / Oracle Database Security overview
- redo logs / Database consolidation and the new Multitenant architecture
- Remote-Ops (RO) / TNSNAMES.ora
- Result Cache
- SQL query result cache / Oracle Database 11g Result Cache
- PL/SQL function result cache / Oracle Database 11g Result Cache
- OCI result cache / Oracle Database 11g Result Cache
- versus Buffer Cache / Result Cache versus Buffer Cache
- versus Database In-Memory / Result Cache versus Oracle 12c Database In-Memory
- versus In-Memory Database Cache (IMDB) / Result Cache versus In-Memory Database Cache
- SCN (system change number) / Read consistency of the SQL Result Cache
- SDDM (SQL Developer Data Modeler) / SQL Developer for Database Administrators
- SDK (software development kit) / An overview of SQL Developer
- Server Result Cache
- about / Oracle Database 11g Result Cache, What is the Server Result Cache?
- configuring / Configuring the Server Result Cache
- Shared Global Area (SGA)
- about / Database consolidation and the new Multitenant architecture
- Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) / Performance optimizations
- SQLcl
- about / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- URL, for YouTube video / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- commands / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- key features / SQLcl – The new SQL command line
- SQL Developer
- overview / An overview of SQL Developer
- history / History and background
- background / History and background
- releases / History and background
- for developers / SQL Developer for Developers
- for database administrators / SQL Developer for Database Administrators
- working with / Getting started with SQL Developer
- database connection, creating / Creating a database connection
- features / Core features of SQL Developer
- SQL Developer 4.1
- enhancements / SQL Developer 4.0 and 4.1 New Features
- SQL Developer Data Modeler (SDDM) / Oracle SQL Developer for DBA, Developers, and Application Architects
- SQL Developer Extensions Exchange
- URL / An overview of SQL Developer
- SQL Developer reports
- about / SQL Developer reports
- SQL Developer tool
- key factors, for differentiating from other tools / Key differentiators
- SQL injection
- about / What is SQL injection?
- targets / SQL injection targets
- PL/SQL code, exploiting / How to exploit the PL/SQL code?
- SQL injection, attacks
- preventing / Preventing SQL injection attacks
- inputs sanitizing, DBMS_ASSERT used / Sanitizing inputs using DBMS_ASSERT
- right subprogram, selecting for right identifier / Choose the right subprogram for the right identifier
- DBMS_ASSERT, limitatiions / DBMS_ASSERT – limitations
- preventing, bind variables used / Use of bind variables to prevent injection attacks
- preventing, best practices / Best practices to avoid SQL injection
- SQL injection, code
- testing strategy / Test strategy
- review / An effective code review
- static code analysis / Static code analysis
- fuzz tools / Fuzz tools
- test cases, generating / Generating test cases
- SQL query result cache
- about / SQL query Result Cache
- monitoring / Monitoring the SQL Result Cache
- invalidation / Invalidation of the SQL Result Cache
- read consistency / Read consistency of the SQL Result Cache
- limitations / Limitations
- SQL Translation Framework
- about / The SQL Translation Framework
- SQL worksheet
- using / Using the SQL worksheet
- icons / Using the SQL worksheet
- functionalities / Using the SQL worksheet
- stored procedures
- creating / Creating stored procedures
- executing / Executing a procedure
- subprogram inlining
- subtype
- about / Subtypes
- classifying / Subtype classification
- type compatibility / Type compatibility with subtypes
- SYSAUX tablespace / Database consolidation and the new Multitenant architecture
- system-defined exceptions
- about / System-defined exceptions
- system global area (SGA) / Cursor structures
- SYSTEM tablespace / Database consolidation and the new Multitenant architecture
- temporary LOB / Persistent and Temporary LOB
- TEMP tablespace / Database consolidation and the new Multitenant architecture
- Total Recall feature / Temporal databases
- Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) / Oracle Database Security overview, Encryption
- TRIM function / TRIM
- UNDO tablespace / Database consolidation and the new Multitenant architecture
- user-defined exceptions
- user global area (UGA) / Cursor structures
- User Global Area (UGA) / Cursors – an overview, Application Context
- varray
- about / Collection types, Varray
- as schema object / Varray as a schema object
- in PL/SQL / Varray in PL/SQL
- varray type columns, operations
- about / Operations on varray type columns
- varray collection type instance, inserting / Inserting varray collection type instance
- varray column, querying / Querying varray column
- varray instance, updating / Updating the varray instance
- version control, SQL Developer
- about / Version control
- Virtual Private Database (VPD)
- about / Oracle Database Security overview, Virtual Private Database
- working / How does Virtual Private Database work?
- column-level / Column-level Virtual Private Database
- with Oracle database 12c multitenant / Virtual Private Database with Oracle Database 12c Multitenant
- components / Virtual Private Database components
- demonstration / Demonstration
- features / Virtual Private Database features and best practices
- best practices / Virtual Private Database features and best practices
- metadata / Virtual Private Database metadata
- policy utility activities / Policy utilities—refresh and drop
- Virtual Private Database (VPD), components
- application context / Application Context
- policy function / Virtual Private Database policy function
- policy type / Policy types
- DBMS_RLS package / The DBMS_RLS package
- Write Gather Cache (WGC) / Write Gather Cache