Let Users Give Feedback, but Don’t Hassle Them

See how annoying that is? Yet apps do it all the time, interrupting the users’ flow to nag them for a review on the relevant app store. App publishers care a lot about reviews because they build trust in a product, and app stores will rank software more highly if it has attracted a lot of great reviews. So it’s easy to understand their relentless drive to ask users to rate every app.
It’s the digital equivalent of wandering around a department store (remember those?) and having an eager salesperson ask “Can I help you?” within 30 seconds of you walking in.
It’s counterproductive because this interruption just annoys users and leads to lower levels of user satisfaction for your product. Much better to just offer a “Give feedback” or “Tell us what you think” control in a help section of your UI.
Some of the best feedback experiences on the...